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Best Neurosurgeon and Neurophysician In Noida

Best Neurosurgeon and Neurophysician In Noida

Snaayu Neuroscience clinic is a medical consultant of neurologists and neurosurgeons doctor. Dr. Pranjal Pandey is a consultant in Neurosurgery. Dr. Sweety Trivedi is an MD Internal Medicine and DM Neurology. Snaayu has the best Neurosurgeon doctor in Noida. Our specialists strived to provide timely diagnosis and considered the patient in critical condition and recovered from a critical head injury and trauma. Our center is an independent facility of comprehensive neurology brain, spine, and Nerve care. Our holistic Neurosurgeon doctors cares for patients with medical conditions affecting the brain, spine, muscle, epilepsy nerves, muscles disorder, Parkinson’s disease, Alzehimers's disease and dementia. Neuroscience specialists maintain an active sub-specialty of neurology interests. Snaayu Neuroscience is committed to providing the best neuro care to patients with the highest standard of care. Suppose you're looking for the best neurologist doctor near me or the best neurosurgeon doctor near me to treat a neurological condition for you or your family members. Snaayu has neurologists and Neurosurgeons doctors in Noida who are serving expertise in a complete spectrum of advanced medical and surgical interventions, with a comprehensive mix of inpatient and outpatient services.

Dr. Sweety Trivedi Pandey is a neurologist doctor in Noida, She has specialized in neurology and is trained to investigate, diagnose, and treat complex neurological disorders patients like central nervous system disorder, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia. Snaayu's doctor has good experience in electrophysiology and stroke thrombolysis. Her sincere approach to empathy and preservice together with neurological insights into the issues helps deliver the best available neurological management.

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