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Gain Weight Fast with Complete Guide

Kayawell Health Care
Gain Weight Fast with Complete Guide

Are you concerned about how to gain weight fast?

Well, you have to worry no more. By following this easy-to-follow weight-gain guide, put on those extra pounds that you've always wanted.

How much Weight Should be Gained?

Increasing calorie consumption in a reasonable amount increases weight by 1-2 pounds per week. A pound of muscle mass can be gained with an excess of 2,000 to 2,500 calories per week, while a pound of fat can be gained with an excess of 3,500 calories per week.

How to Gain Weight Fast?

1) Plan your Meals and Snacks

To maintain a healthy appetite, eat small, frequent meals. Each day, schedule three meals and two to three snacks.

  • Ideas for Quick Meals
  • Simple Meal Ideas

2) Drink Water Between Meals

Don't fill up on small meals all day. Between meals and snacks, sip some water. Limit your intake of sugary beverages, cake, cookies, and candies. These foods don't have many nutrients and can make you feel satiated.

3) Have an Occasional Treat

Even underweight, watch out for too much sugar and fat. Ice cream and pie are acceptable now and then. But the majority of treats have to be nutritious and calorie-dense.

4) Make Nutrient-dense Dietary Choices

Pick whole-grain items like bread, pasta, cereals, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, nuts, and seeds as part of your daily diet.

5) Ideal Foods for Weight Gain

Foods To Avoid During Weight Gain

Avoid relying on high-calorie, high-saturated-fat, and high-sugar meals and beverages to gain weight, such as chocolate, cakes, and sugary beverages. These foods promote body fat rather than lean muscle mass and raise your risk of having high blood cholesterol levels.

Source :- https://www.kayawell.com/Ayurveda/gain-weight-fast-and-safely

Kayawell Health Care
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