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Organic Seasonal Fruits that you Must try during Monsoon

Maya Shah
Organic Seasonal Fruits that you Must try during Monsoon

Monsoon is upon us and naturally most people crave spicy and oily foods. And don’t worry we aren’t going to ask you to stop enjoying your favorite foods as long as you eat them in moderation. Moreover, it is important to remember that we are still recovering from the aftermath of a global pandemic and hence, it is important to eat foods that will boost your immunity. Make sure that you include high carbs, vitamins and minerals, and proteins in your diet. An easy way of meeting your nutrient goals is to include organic seasonal fruits in your diet. 

Must-Have Seasonal Fruits during Monsoon 


Including seasonal greens, fruits, and organic leafy vegetables in your diet is a great way of enjoying different seasons. Moreover, when food products are grown seasonally and organically, artificial pesticides and chemicals are not added to them. Thus, they are free from harmful chemicals and are nutritionally dense. Additionally, the consumption of seasonal fruits is also known to protect against seasonal allergies and diseases. The following are some fruits that you can enjoy during the rainy months ahead: 

1.    Papaya 

Papaya is known to be a rich source of folate, Vitamins C and A, fiber, magnesium, and copper. It is one of the fruits that is available during the monsoon season and can also be used in a variety of dishes. Papaya is also known for curbing digestion issues. Moreover, vitamin C and fiber help in rejuvenating your skin. Organic papaya also helps in regulating the cholesterol levels in the body. 

2.    Plum 

These nutritious and juicy fruits are readily available during the rainy season, so make sure that you enjoy them to the fullest. This purple fruit is a rich source of antioxidants which are important for combating oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants are known for their anti-aging effects. Plum is also helpful in efficiently controlling blood sugar levels because of the fiber present in it. Plums are low-calorie fruits that are rich sources of vitamins A, C, and K, potassium, and copper. 

3.    Jamun 

Also known as Java Plum, this fruit is especially beneficial for people who are planning to get rid of extra pounds during the monsoon season. Although it contains very few calories, it contains high levels of potassium, iron, and other types of essential vitamins. Jamun has also been used to make Ayurvedic medicines since ancient times and thus it possesses some medicinal properties as well. The bark and leaves of the Jamun tree are also known to strengthen the gums in the mouth. 

4.    Cherry 

Consuming a small number of cherries every single day will boost the levels of potassium in your body, thus enhancing your eyesight and making your heart healthy. Cherries contain components that are known for reducing inflammation and improving the quality of sleep. Cherries are also known for keeping your body hydrated and increasing the rate of metabolism. 


It is evident that seasonal fruits provide countless health benefits. Moreover, when these fruits are grown organically, their nutritional value remains intact. When you decide to consume seasonal fruits make sure that you include only organic fruits and organic vegetables in your diet.

Maya Shah
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