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Best BCA Colleges In Bangalore | Top BCA Colleges In Bangalore | presidency college

presidency college
Best BCA Colleges In Bangalore | Top BCA Colleges In Bangalore  | presidency college

Department of Computer Applications had its humble beginning, within the year 2000, offering both top BCA college in India and MCA with a strength but 20. Since then the department had witnessed tremendous growth which now has over 500 students and 20 staff members. The department boasts state of the art infrastructure facility and a spacious library with a various collection of volumes for enriching knowledge. Best BCA College in India Bengaluru University.

Our BCA is ranked as India’s top 07 as per the survey of India Today Neilson Survey as on June 2014.

The entire course is outcome based and faculty are sensible to ensure that the outcomes for each course is defined well at the beginning of the programme and shared with each student through course handouts. BCA Admissions open online Presidency College Bangalore University. This ensures expectation setting is taken care of between the learner and therefore the teacher. Interactive lectures, pedagogy that's evolving, assignments and assessments make sure that all students achieve the specified outcomes. The role of the school at Presidency College, Bangalore thus is more of a mentor, facilitator and learning are outcome based.

Department of Computer Applications had its humble beginning, within the year 2000, offering both BCA and top MCA college India, Bangalore University with a strength but 20. Since then the department had witnessed tremendous growth which now has over 500 students and 20 staff members. Online MCA Admission open now. The department boasts state of the art infrastructure facility and a spacious library with a various collection of volumes for enriching knowledge.

Visit us at https://presidencycollege.ac.in/

Presidency College

33/2C and 33/2D, Vinayakanagar,

Hebbal Kempapura,

Bangalore – 560024, Karnataka, India

For General Enquires:


Extensions – 123 / 130

E-mail : contact@presidency.edu.in

presidency college
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