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Super Smiles Dental

Super Smiles Dental is a new era in oral health practice. What do we mean by this? In this digital age, most dentists have not updated their practices to the latest, modern technology. However, at Super Smiles Dental we understand that technology is the way forward and we know our patients appreciate the less invasive, more efficient treatment. Our brand new, state-of-the-art practice showcases the latest in dental technology. From our dental chair to our materials and dental equipment – we do not compromise on quality and care. We endeavor to make each visit for each patient as comfortable and gentle as possible, with the aid of technology in order to enhance the patient experience.

As a patient, our staff will treat you with the utmost care and compassion, and if there is anything we can do to assist your visit, then do not hesitate to ask. Our whole team are also dental patients, they’ve been through the process which at times can be daunting in the dental chair, so do not hesitate if there any requests that you may have. We are more than happy to assist.

Furthermore, we believe that each and every individual should be granted access to dental treatment. We understand that dental treatment can be costly at times. Due to our modern technology and efficient treatment processes, we have been able to keep our pricing competitive in order to ensure the community benefits as much as possible. Without our community at Chipping Norton, we understand we would not be in business.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a titanium screw component which anchors and fuses into bone, and the porcelain, tooth coloured crown which is the tooth portion on top.

Is it painful?

Dental implant procedures are pain-free with the modern treatment modalities that we offer at Super Smiles Dental. It is a relatively quick procedure and isn’t as surgically invasive as it traditionally was.


Benefits of Dental Implants

  • It creates a harmonious smile and improved aesthetics where before there would have been a dark gap showing
  • It allows for improved functioning during chewing with the support of an extra tooth
  • It prevents food from getting trapped between teeth
  • It preserves jaw bone from shrinking, ensuring the patient’s bone structure and aesthetics do not change over time
  • Does not compromise the health of surrounding tissues such as dental bridges, but rather promotes improved health through preserving bone and improving function

Read more: Smiles for Kids Dentistry

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