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Dark Circles Removal Treatments You Should Know About

Vincere Aesthetics
Dark Circles Removal Treatments You Should Know About

Did you look at your bathroom mirror only to see that the dark circles under your eyes reappear? Are you tired of putting on layers of concealer under your eyes? While they are not a serious health problem, under-eye bags are unsightly since they are often associated with fatigue or constant stress. Today, we will share with you some dark eye circles removal tips in Singapore you can try.

Heighten Your Pillows

Fluids seeping their way into the muscles below your eyes cause dark circles. Thus, increasing the elevation of your head when sleeping will help prevent puffiness under your eyes.

Cold Compress or Cucumber

Placing fresh slices of cucumber over your closed eyes is a popular dark circles treatment in Singapore. It is even better to chill the cucumber slices before putting them on your skin. A cold compress is a good alternative if you do not have cucumber at home.

Essential Oil and Vitamin E

Taking vitamin E or applying creams with vitamin E is a good dark eye circles removal technique. Not only will it lessen the darkness under your eyes. It also makes your skin glow. As for essential oil, almond oil and sunflower oil are great for correcting skin discolouration including dark circles.

Undereye Fillers

Your aesthetic doctor may also recommend dermal undereye fillers with hyaluronic acid if the cause of your dark circles is the loss of volume under your eyes.

Stay Away From the Sun

Did you know that exposure to harmful UV rays can also trigger dark circles? These UV rays can cause our skin to age prematurely. Thus, it can cause discolouration. For this reason, it is recommended to stay away from the sun, especially during noon and late afternoon.

The Takeaway

A healthy lifestyle and proper skin care are still the most effective way to fast dark eye circles removal. Should you need clinical beauty treatments like dermal fillers, botox and more in Singapore? Consult Vincere Aesthetics today!



Vincere Aesthetics
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