AI Products 

Diagnostic Platform - RED3SIXTY

Diagnostic Platform - RED3SIXTY

RED3SIXTY is South Africa's largest business consulting platform dedicated to 1000+ business companies. Our experts help you address your business challenges, optimize processes, and implement growth strategies. We help the platform plan for new growth, create exceptional experiences, personalize at scale, secure trust and get better with our capabilities and solutions. Our development consulting model focuses on understanding your objectives and desired results. RED3SIXTY is an international business support platform dedicated to helping small and medium sized consulting and coaching businesses. RED3SIXTY and its strategic partner, Business Doctors, have spent the past 15 years focused on developing distributed solutions and analytics capabilities through the Business Doctors franchise network of experienced professionals. RDED3SIXTY is well established and operated with a national network both internationally and locally, capable of supporting business development initiatives up to provincial and local area levels. This change now enables us to reach and support more SMEs and has a huge impact on their ability to succeed, especially in the current South African and international business environment. We've developed business development platforms that aim to help you run diagnostics and determine where your customer needs to focus to grow their business. Systems help you estimate your customer growth. The coaching and mentoring platform makes it easy to start or grow your professional services business. The platform provides a one-stop consulting solution enabling easy customer business diagnostics, development support and much more.

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