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Different Types of Dentures

Garden Oaks Dental Centre
Different Types of Dentures

While dentures are most commonly associated with the elderly, there are many other groups of people who wear them as well. Dentures can be necessary for people of all ages for various reasons. This article will explore some of the different groups of people who wear dentures and the reasons why they do. One group of people who wear dentures are those who have lost all of their natural teeth. It can happen due to decay, gum disease, or injury.

Without their natural teeth, these individuals would have difficulty eating and speaking. Dentures give them back the ability to eat and speak normally. Another group of people who wear dentures are those with severely damaged teeth. In some cases, the damage is so severe that the teeth need to be removed. These individuals may also have difficulty eating and speaking. Dentures give them back the ability to eat and speak normally.

The third group of people who wear dentures are those born without teeth. It is a rare condition, but it does occur. Dentures give these individuals the ability to eat and speak normally. Dentures can be a necessity for people of all ages. They give individuals the ability to eat and speak normally. 

There are also several different types of dentures in Winnipeg. The most common type of denture is the full denture. Full dentures are made to replace all of the teeth in your upper or lower jaw. They are held in place by a combination of suction and adhesive. You may be a candidate for a full denture if you have a strong lower jawbone.

Another type of denture is the partial denture. Partial dentures are made to replace missing teeth, but they are not meant to replace all teeth in your mouth. They are usually held in place by clasps that attach to your existing teeth. You may be a candidate for a partial denture if you have a strong jawbone and healthy teeth. If you are looking to get dentures, I would highly recommend the dental clinic in Winnipeg. They will take great care of you and your teeth. 

Clinic Address: 210-2211 McPhillips St, Winnipeg, MB R2V 3M5, Canada

Garden Oaks Dental Centre
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