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Door sensors |Smart Motion Sensors |Sensors

Door sensors |Smart Motion Sensors |Sensors

When you connect a Smart motion sensor to a Smart Door Sensor, you can choose the sensor to trigger a dim, warm light during the evening and night.

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Centralite’s Micro Door Sensor consists of a base, mounted to the door or window frame and a magnet to be mounted to the door or window. The Smart Door Sensor is an affordable way to add automation and security to connected home systems via Centralite Micro Door.

The 2GIG Recessed Door Contact is the industry’s most flexible supervised door contact. It communicates with the Control Panel using the 345 MHz wireless frequency. It also allows a multitude of applications while hiding the transmitter within a door or window frame.

Best Home Door Locks Types #1 — Lever Locks

Lever locks are fashionable types of locks. Their design could range from the minimalist type to old-fashioned Victorian type.

A lot of smart lever locks nowadays maintain slick minimalist style in design. This allows it to blend in to the style of most modern homes today. A minimalist style allows it to leave the overall design of a door virtually untouched.

Smart lever locks are also easy to install because of their plane shape. They are usually flat and could easily be mounted on the flat surface of a door. So, lever locks could be the best home door locks for those who do not want to spend so much time in installation.

Best Home Door Locks Types #2 — Door Knobs

Smart door knobs are a step up to your ordinary mechanical doorknob. Smart door knobs still look like the good old mechanical doorknob. But, smart doorknobs have a touch keypad that adds extra strength to its security.

Smart door knobs gives homeowners a homey feel to their door as it reminds of the old days. It gives them both the homey feel and extra strength to security. Thus, smart door knobs can be the best smart locks for people who are looking for that homey feeling.

Smart door knobs can be also the best home door locks for those who do not want to spend too much time installing. Smart doorknobs could simply replace the mechanical doorknob from its hole. This means that no extra drilling is needed.

Like most smart locks, smart doorknobs have automatic locking system. It would also alarm after a few failed attempts to enter passcode. This means it has stronger security then the ordinary doorknob.

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