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5 Fitness Workout Accessories

5 Fitness Workout Accessories

You don’t have to be a student athlete to enjoy a workout every other day or even every day. It’s a great stress-buster, and can help you sleep better so you can wake up refreshed and ready to face a new day. If you’re in need of quick exercise, you’ll love these 5 workout accessories. They are small and portable so you can carry them everywhere you go and fit them easily in a dorm room.


Resistance Bands Set

Green, red, and yellow resistance bands...

Ergonomic, affordable, and lightweight, you can get a full-body workout with this set of resistance bands wholesale. These latex bands are perfect whether you need them for muscle rehab or you just want to workout with minimal equipment. With these bands, you can get a full-body workout in only 15 minutes, no matter what your fitness level. You can choose from a range of color schemes to match your gear or personality.


Medicine Ball

This good old-fashioned medicine ball is perfect for any exercises focused on strengthening your arms and core. You can really test your strength and balance with this one by doing close-handed pushups on it. It’s so affordable you can get varying weights for different workouts.


All-Purpose Yoga Mat

This durable and thick yoga mat from yoga mat manufacturer is available in a beautiful color. It has a carrying strap, so you can yoga on-the-go. And because it is also waterproof, you won’t mind working up a sweat because you can wipe it clean with a cloth or paper towel. No matter where you want to do your yoga, Pilates, or stretching exercises, this mat will support you all the way in durable comfort.


All-purpose Dumbbells

Dumbbells are perfect for quick and easy arm workouts. This 50-pound set (form wholesale weights) features neoprene dumbbells in 5, 8, and 12-pound pairs. The little weight stand is perfectly sized to keep your dumbbells out of the way. The hexagon shape means they won’t roll and the neoprene coating won’t tear your hands up. Start low and work your way up with this convenient little set. BalanceFrom has individual sets as well, ranging from 1 pound all the way up to 18.


Foam Roller

All that working out making you sore? Don’t worry, we’ve found a solution for that, too, with this grid foam roller from Wavar. If you have pressure-points that are crying for a good massage, this foam roller is perfect for relieving pressure and relieving tension in muscles and joints. You’ll feel less “crunchy” and more relaxed after rolling on this foam roller. It’s great for ab work, too.


Even if you’ve never worked out before, college is all about changes and learning new things. Embrace the change and try some of this workout gear. Your body may feel sore the first day or so but when you see the change in a few months, you’ll be glad you persisted.





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