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Commercial cleaning companies are useful for a variety of reasons

Lilly’s Cleaning Service, Inc.
Commercial cleaning companies are useful for a variety of reasons

An office desk can contain 400x more germs per hour than an office toilet seat. Business owners should be aware that the more germs in their building, the more employees will call sick. If your building is used by customers, you run the risk of getting sick. You don't have the time or energy to clean your building so why not hire a commercial cleaner instead? Continue reading to find out more about hiring a commercial cleaner, so that you can make a decision on whether it is the right choice for your company.

1. It saves you time

Your building will eventually need to be cleaned. It's possible to either clean it yourself or have your employees do it. Or, you can hire a commercial cleaner to do it. There are times when running a business can feel overwhelming. You run the risk of becoming overwhelmed or allowing other important tasks to slip by if you try to add another task to your plate. Similar to the previous example, if your employees are assigned cleaning duties, this takes away time that could be spent on tasks that actually make you money. You can hire commercial cleaning services to keep your building clean and allow you and your staff to focus on other important tasks.

2. It's Cost-Effective

Although it may seem counterintuitive at first, investing in a professional cleaning service can help you save money over the long-term. It helps you save time and, as the old saying goes: time is money. It also saves you money in other ways. Consider how much you would have to spend on cleaning supplies and tools if you were to do it yourself. Even if you didn’t purchase a power washer or carpet cleaner, it would still be necessary to rent them out occasionally. These costs can quickly add up and cost a lot of money.

3. It helps you keep your customers and employees safe

Regular commercial cleaning Germantown, Montgomery County, md is essential to ensure that germs and bacteria do not thrive in your building. Your employees and customers are at risk for getting the flu, cold or other viruses. The risk does not end there. A dangerous accident could result from areas in your building that are not properly cleaned up. If water is spilled in the break-room, and not cleaned up quickly, it can cause slippage, which could lead to injury for your employees.

4. It can help increase employee productivity

Did you know that workplace cleanliness has a direct correlation with employee productivity according to some studies? Cleanliness can help employees focus well, which will make them more productive. Clean offices can increase employee satisfaction and help you keep your turnaround low. People who feel happy to go to work and do their jobs well will be more likely to stay with the company. Clean offices can make your employees more productive.

5. It gives you cleaner air to breathe


Apart from potential dangers and germs, dirty workplaces can also produce air pollutants. If your HVAC system is not cleaned, it will circulate mold, bacteria and dust through the air. Although you may not immediately notice it, it can eventually lead to discomfort in your lungs. Instead, breathe in clean, fresh air to keep your customers and employees happy all year.

6. It makes a better first impression

Most people have heard the saying that you only get one chance to make a first impression. This is usually true for people but it also applies to buildings. Your building's appearance can tell a lot about your company, whether you are hosting clients or bringing in new employees. It is not a good idea for anyone to see layers of dirt and grime as their first impression. A commercial cleaning company can help keep your building looking great. This will reflect well on your business and make it more attractive to potential employees and customers.

7. It leads to increased longevity

Your parents probably told you as a child to care for your belongings to ensure they last a lifetime. Your workplace should be treated in the same way. Your building will begin to deteriorate if you don't maintain regular cleaning. Carpets are a prime example of what to get rid of because of all the foot traffic they receive daily. Carpets that are regularly vacuumed and steam cleaned will be better able to withstand daily wear and tear. This will not only keep your carpet looking amazing, but also save you money as you won't need to replace it as often. It's a win-win situation to hire a professional cleaning company for your building.

Get a Commercial Cleaning Company today

After reading about the top reasons to hire a commercial cleaner, you don't have to wait. Lilly’s Cleaning Service, Inc. is committed to making your business look amazing. We provide ongoing commercial cleaning services to businesses in many industries. As well as special one-off services get a free estimate today to find out how we can help your business shine.

Lilly’s Cleaning Service, Inc.
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