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Disc Issues and Chiropractic

King Chiropractic
Disc Issues and Chiropractic

Has an MRI indicated that you may have lower back disc issues? Skip the injections. We provide natural treatment for disc herniations in Austin, Texas.

Bottom Line:

Some of the most frequent causes for people to visit a chiropractor include disc herniations, bulges, protrusions, and extrusions (oh my!).

In actuality, the majority of people visit a chiropractor because their quality of life has been significantly impacted by such conditions, not merely because they have lower back disc problems.

The good news?

In Austin, Texas, you can receive all-natural, non-invasive treatment for a herniated disc.

The research doesn't lie and backs up what we’ve witnessed for years - chiropractic care provides outstanding results for people with lower back disc issues.

Why it Matters:

A spinal disc has a soft, jellylike center encased in a tougher, rubbery exterior - referred to as the nucleus and annulus, respectively. 

Even though this can happen in any section of the spine, herniated discs are most frequently discovered in or near the low back. A herniated (or slid or ruptured) disc occurs when some of the nucleus makes its way through the annulus.

And you might be surprised to learn that no two people who have come to us in Austin, Texas for treatment for a herniated disc are alike.

Some people with lower back disc problems don't exhibit any symptoms.

When a patient has a herniated disc or another lumbar disc disease, they may also experience pain, numbness, or weakness in other body parts.

The good news is that most of the time, intrusive intervention is not necessary because these symptoms usually get better with time.

That's because your body can repair itself incredibly well, even from disc herniations, without the assistance of medicines or surgery.

In fact, exercise can be viewed as a form of medicine for the body.

Because of this, our staff in Austin, Texas, focuses on all-natural treatment for disc herniations and other conditions.

As far as we are aware, certain chiropractic procedures can reduce the pressure on your spinal discs.

Chiropractic Care as a Treatment for Herniated Discs and Lower Back Disc Issues

Additionally, recent studies have demonstrated that when addressing disc problems, conservative therapies like chiropractic adjustments can be more successful than spinal injections.

More research has revealed that physical activity, lowering intradiscal tension, and widening the channels your nerves flow through can all help you feel better and hasten the healing process.

Consider that cumulative wear and tear brought on by age is typically what causes disc herniation.

Our discs grow less flexible and more prone to dysfunction as we age; most people can't always identify the exact reason why they have a herniated disc.

A herniated disc can occasionally result from lifting something heavy with your back rather than your legs, or from not having the support you need to turn while doing so.

It is simple to understand why preserving disc health is crucial.

The health of your spinal discs depends heavily on your commitment to regular exercise, excellent posture, and frequent screenings and adjustments by your preferred chiropractor.

  • Exercise helps stretch and strengthen the muscles that stabilize and support the spine.

  • Practicing proper posture also helps reduce excess pressure on your spinal discs.
  • Chiropractic adjustments help maintain proper motion of the spine as a whole.

In particular, if you've been seeking an alternative or more holistic treatment for a disc herniation in Austin, Texas, remember that your body has an amazing capacity to heal itself, and that's what we're here to assist you with.

Next Steps:

We've said it before and we'll say it again: chiropractic therapy works wonders for folks who have disc problems in their lower back.

According to the study you just read, chiropractic adjustments instead of injections provide superior, more long-lasting pain relief for persons with disc herniations.

Therefore, be aware that surgery or injections are NOT your only alternatives if you have received an MRI that suggests you may be dealing with lower back disc troubles.

We've said it before and we'll say it again: chiropractic therapy works wonders for folks who have disc problems in their lower back.

According to the study you just read, chiropractic adjustments instead of injections provide superior, more long-lasting pain relief for persons with disc herniations.

Therefore, be aware that surgery or injections are NOT your only alternatives if you have received an MRI that suggests you may be dealing with lower back disc troubles.

Science Source: 

Herniated Disk. Mayo Clinic. 2022.

Herniation Patients Treated with Spinal Therapy. JMPT. 2013. 

King Chiropractic
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