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Manage Migraines Naturally: Know Your Triggers

King Chiropractic
Manage Migraines Naturally: Know Your Triggers

Manage Migraines Naturally: Know Your Triggers

The Bottom Line

There isn't much that may disrupt your daily routine as much as a headache, especially a migraine.

Although nausea and visual disturbances may serve as warning signs of an impending attack, migraines frequently seem to strike out of the blue. 

No, regardless of the signs, a migraine is a visitor you'd rather not have.

As the go-to source for chiropractic migraine treatment in Austin, Texas, we're here to assist you learn how to recognize the signs of a migraine and to understand all of the different natural migraine relief options.

This information is essential for improving your quality of life.

The four phases of a migraine headache will be discussed.

The Four Stages of Migraine

Migraine sufferers typically experience four distinct phases:

Premonitory Phase

This phase serves as a warning sign that a migraine is imminent. 

Common symptoms include mood swings, neck stiffness, and constipation.

Aura Phase

Approximately one in four migraine sufferers will experience an aura.

Migraine auras often involve visual or sensory disturbances that precede the headache. 

Visual auras may result in flashing lights or blurred vision, while sensory auras can affect speech and cognitive clarity.

Vision disturbances usually begin 20 minutes to an hour prior to the headache. 

Even in the absence of an aura, the headache itself can lead to vision issues.

Headache Phase

The actual migraine headache can range from moderate to severe and often affects only one side of the head. 

Migraine sufferers will find that their headaches worsen with physical activity, making rest essential.

Postdrome Phase

The postdrome is the final phase in the migraine cycle, occurring after the headache has subsided and leaving the individual feeling drained.

Why It Matters

We are aware that many people who experience migraines do not obtain adequate treatment.

In fact, in countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, it's estimated that only half of chronic migraine sufferers seek assistance from a healthcare professional, despite the substantial disruption caused by symptoms such as:

  • On one side of the head, throbbing headaches of moderate to severe intensity.
  • The beginning of nausea and vision problems.
  • Recurrent episodes that may linger for a few hours or several days.

Despite the lack of migraine relief that is guaranteed, the majority of migraine sufferers only use over-the-counter drugs.

A similar proportion of people who get frequent or chronic headaches try self-medicating with over-the-counter medicines, despite the higher risk of rebound headaches from overuse.

This risk is notably connected to aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine mixtures when it comes to migraines.

We will note that many people are not aware of non-pharmaceutical methods to control their attacks, which is not surprising considering the symptoms and stages that are distinctive to migraines.

Many of our friends and neighbors put off getting chiropractic migraine therapy in Austin, Texas because of this lack of knowledge.

Natural Ways to Manage Migraines

You can be confident that the return of a headache is sufficient justification for seeking medical advice.

Similar to cervicogenic and tension headaches, migraines can be lessened in frequency, severity, and duration with a combination of lifestyle changes and chiropractic care.

There are some triggers that are frequently linked to the beginning of migraines, even though the precise cause is still unknown.

Identifying these triggers and proactively changing any routines that are connected to them is essential for obtaining long-lasting migraine relief.

According to recent studies, people who received chiropractic care experienced a significant decrease in the number of days they experienced migraines.

Next Steps

By taking charge of your everyday routine, you can begin to effectively treat your migraines.

Don't skip your next (or first!) adjustment because choosing regular chiropractic care is an essential step in reducing migraine symptoms.

Additionally, our doors are always open, and we're glad to assist you in finding relief if you're curious about chiropractic migraine therapy in Austin, Texas and are new to the concept of natural ways to manage headaches.

What about those triggers we talked about earlier?

Here are some of the most common:

  • Consumption of alcohol, caffeinated beverages, or tobacco
  • Periods of stress
  • Exposure to intense lights or smells
  • Periods of intense physical activity
  • Changes in sleeping or eating patterns
  • Certain medications
  • Consumption of aged, salty, or processed foods and certain food additives

As you can see, migraine sufferers can benefit from preventive measures including dietary modifications and stress management techniques.

And don't be afraid to question us at the next appointment if you need assistance determining which triggers contribute to your headaches.

It is advisable to speak with a healthcare provider to make sure you are taking the proper steps to achieve long-lasting relief from migraines. 

Keep in mind that "Dr. Google" is not educated.

Our sympathetic team is here to help you since we too have had migraines.

Let us assist you with some natural migraine management techniques so you can permanently put an end to your regular migraines, from guidance to chiropractic adjustments and beyond.

Science Sources 

Chiropractic Therapy for Migraine. Eur J Neurol. 2017.

Headache Disorders. WHO. 2016.

What is a Migraine? Web MD. 2022.

King Chiropractic
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