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Obtaining megakaryocytes and platelets using chemical reprogramming


Platelets are biologically active anucleated cells produced by megakaryocytes in hematopoietic tissues such as bone marrow and play an important role in physiological and pathological processes such as hemostasis, thrombosis, immune regulation, and anti-infection.


Clinically, hematologic conditions like aplastic anemia and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura frequently exhibit thrombocytopenia. In addition, viral/bacterial infections, trauma, acute radiation sickness, tumor radiotherapy, etc. are also prone to thrombocytopenia. One of the main approaches for treating thrombocytopenia clinically, stopping and controlling bleeding, and saving lives is platelet transfusion. However, healthy volunteers are the only source of platelets that can be used in a clinical setting, and platelets can only be stored for a short time before becoming contaminated. There is an urgent need to use new technologies to address the issue of platelet sources because the shortage of platelets will be more pronounced in situations of war, significant natural disasters, and public health emergencies (such as the sudden outbreak of infectious diseases).


One of the cutting-edge and competitive fields of study is the production of megakaryocytes and platelets using stem cell technology and cell reprogramming methods. The preparation of human megakaryocytes (platelet precursor cells) and platelets in vitro only by chemical small molecule-mediated reprogramming techniques has yielded few research findings.


On August 4, 2022, Xuetao Pei/Yanhua Li's team at the Military Medical Research Institute, in collaboration with Jian Zhang's group at the Department of Medicine, Tianjin University, published the article "Direct chemical reprogramming of human cord blood erythroblasts to induced megakaryocytes that produce platelets" about using chemical reprogramming to achieve the fate transition from human adult erythrocytes to megakaryocytes and platelets, and systematically tracking the cellular dynamics during the process using single-cell transcriptome and chromatin open sequencing technologies.


The choice of seed cells is essential for the effective and successful commencement of cell fate transformation in the study of cell reprogramming. Previous research has demonstrated that the closer the relatives of the starting cell and the target cell are to one another on the developmental spectrum, the easier cell type transformation is.


The researchers were surprised to discover that a "cocktail" of four small molecules from a variety of compounds associated with epigenetic regulatory and signaling pathways effectively reprogrammed adult human red blood cells into megakaryocytes and they further defined a two-stage system of induction and megakaryocyte specialization, resulting in induced megakaryocytes (iMKs) with properties similar to those of natural megakaryocytes.


The most important function of megakaryocytes is their ability to produce proplatelets and platelets. Under specific induced differentiation conditions in vitro, iMKs were able to form a meshwork of proplatelets with multiple branching extensions and release platelets. More importantly, the researchers found that iMKs-derived platelets exhibited a similar thrombin activation response to natural platelets, and had functions such as adhesion and aggregation.


To determine whether iMKs have the ability to generate functional platelets in vivo, the researchers administered iMKs intravenously to immunodeficient mice with thrombocytopenia through the tail vein. They discovered human-derived platelets on days 1-3 following the infusion of iMKs, and microfluidic experiments proved that these platelets are able to take part in thrombosis.


The researchers used single cell sequencing and chromatin open sequencing technologies to systematically track and deeply analyze the reprogramming process in order to examine how four small molecule "cocktails" alter the range of erythroid to megakaryocyte fate and found that the starting cells went through a stage of an erythroid/megakaryocyte co-precursor cell, which had the potential to differentiate into both erythroid and megakaryocyte cells in opposite directions.


Further analysis revealed that the compound combination triggered extensive chromatin remodeling changes, with progressively lower chromatin opening of genes critical for erythroid cell development and higher chromatin opening of loci for transcription factors important for hematopoiesis and megakaryogenesis, thereby gradually initiating the megakaryocytic developmental program. Notably, they found that iMKs can be divided into two subpopulations, one of which is the platelet production-biased megakaryocytes, which account for >70% of the total population of iMKs. The other subpopulation is immune-biased megakaryocytes, which may play a role in immune and inflammation regulations.


The research team has successfully transformed the fate of adult red blood cells to functional megakaryocytes and platelets using only small molecule compounds, opening up a new pathway for the in vitro large-scale artificial preparation of megakaryocytes and platelets.

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