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Foreign Body Removal Treatment

Maria Guzman
Foreign Body Removal Treatment

The corneal foreign body is an object (e.g., metal, glass, wood, plastic, sand) that embeds itself in the cornea. Corneal foreign bodies can cause persistent pain, infection, and ocular necrosis if not promptly removed. Cornea foreign body removal refers to the safe removal of a foreign body, which reduces the risk of sight-threatening complications.

At Metro Urgent Care, we provide foreign body removal through licensed urgent care and medical professionals to remove any foreign objects stuck in your eye and relieve discomfort.

It is necessary to remove a corneal foreign body as soon as it is detected. Ignoring foreign matter in your eyes increases the risk of corneal infection or scarring.

Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • Excessive tearing
  • Excessive blinking
  • Eye pain
  • A very red eye
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Blurred vision
  • Eye pain

The Morgan Lens is a sterile plastic device similar to a contact lens that fits over the eye and allows copious irrigation of the eye over time without continuous medical attention. It is the most efficient form of ocular (eye) irrigation and treats many eye injuries.

Advantages of using Morgan Lens in eye irrigation

  • The Morgan Lens takes just 20 seconds to insert, and once in place, it works on its own.
  • The procedure is more comfortable for patients as the eyes are kept tightly closed.
  • The irrigation solution is delivered directly to the injured eye.
  • Non-embedded particulates and foreign bodies are easily removed.
  • The patient can be transported without stopping irrigation.
  • Comfortable for children; most fall asleep during the process.

Read more:https://www.meturgentcare.com/urgent-care/foreign-bodies-in-the-eye

Maria Guzman
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