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Proven Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea Powder

Matcha Samurai

There's nothing quite like sitting on your porch on a sunny day, sipping on some delicious green matcha tea, and reading a good book. The great thing about green tea is that it’s not just delicious. It also offers many health benefits.

You may be wondering: But what exactly is matcha green tea powder? The leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant are used to make matcha. The leaves are then stone-ground into a powder and then used to brew tea. Matcha has gained popularity in recent years due to its numerous health benefits, including the following:

Packed with antioxidants

One of the most crucialhealth benefits of matcha green tea powder is that it is full of antioxidants that scavenge harmful toxins and free radicals from the body, protecting cells and DNA from damage.Matchahas been shown to contain more antioxidants than other types of green tea. It has proven to help prevent cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Matcha is also a good source of vitamins A, C, and E and minerals such as selenium and zinc. All of these nutrients work together to boost the immune system and fight off disease.

Boosts energy levels

Matcha green tea powder is known for its ability to boost energy levels. This is thanks to the presence of caffeine and L-theanine. Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that improves attention and focus, while L-theanine is an amino acid that has been shown to promote relaxation without drowsiness. This combination provides a sustained energy boost that can last for several hours.

Increases fat burning

Matcha green tea powder NZ is ideal for those looking to lose weight. This is thanks to the presence of EGCG, a type of catechin known to boost metabolism and promote fat burning.Several studies have revealed that people who drank matcha had significantly higher amounts of catechins than those who did not drink it. Green tea extract taken during moderate activity was shown to increase fat burning by 17%. Taking a green tea extract supplement improves 24-hour energy expenditure by 42 percent. Furthermore, 11 studies have shown that drinking green tea aids in weight loss and weight maintenance.

These are just a few of the many health benefits associated with matcha green tea powder NZ. To improve your health, consider adding this potent tea to your diet.Grab a cup of matcha now and start reaping the benefits!

About the Company:

Matcha Samurai is an online platform which offers matcha green tea, organic Japanese green tea, ceremonial matcha green tea and culinary grade matcha green tea powder. Matcha green tea has been a part of Japanese culture for hundreds of years. Matcha Green tea is a premium Japanese tea with natural detoxifiers and energy boosters which is very beneficial for themind & body.

Matcha Samurai
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