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What Is Hojicha Tea and What Does It Taste Like?

Matcha Samurai

There’s almost no end to the types of tea you can drink. Jasmine, Earl Grey, chamomile, and oolong are some of the most popular options found in almost every café in New Zealand. But have you ever heard of Hojicha matcha tea?

A guide toHojicha matcha

If this is your first time hearing about Hojicha, perhaps you’ll be more familiar with its sibling: matcha. Hojicha and matcha both trace their roots in Japan, known as variants of green tea.

But despite their common ancestor, Hojicha and matcha couldn’t be more different. The first distinction you’ll notice is their colour. Matcha is popular for its bright green hue, while Hojicha comes ina light, or sometimes even reddish, brown.

This difference in colour between matcha and Hojicha is due to their respective processing methods. Matcha is grown away from the sun, leading the tea plant’s leaves to produce more chlorophyll.

Meanwhile, Hojicha is grown under normal conditions. After harvesting, Hojicha leaves are roasted over charcoal, usually at very high temperatures. The tea becomes brown as a result—almost as if it were coffee.

Of course, roasting Hojicha leaves doesn’t just affect the drink’s colour. It also results in a distinct taste, described by many as mellow, nutty, and toasty. The tea’s flavour can also depend on how dark the leaves are roasted, with lighter variants tasting like caramel and darker options featuring hints of smoky cacao and coffee.

The taste of Hojicha matchais also heavily affected by your brewing method. If you want to obtain the best flavours and aroma from this drink, here are a few tips:

  • Brew your tea in a high-quality teapot. The Tokoname teapot is an excellent example, known for giving the tea a sweeter, smoother taste.
  • Make sure your water is at the right temperature. The general rule is that the higher the grade of your tea, the lower its temperature should be. For example, premium Hojicha must be brewed at around 90°C.
  • To preserve flavour, seal your Hojicha powder in an airtight bag and store it in the refrigerator.


Craving top-quality Hojicha and matcha green tea? Purchase your powders from a JAS Certified Organic tea supplier to experience the best flavours and aroma!

About the Company:

Matcha Samurai is an online platform that provides matcha green tea, organic Japanese green tea, ceremonial matcha green tea and culinary-grade matcha green tea powder. Matcha green tea has been a part of Japanese culture for hundreds of years. Matcha Green tea is a premium Japanese tea with natural detoxifiers and energy boosters which is very beneficial for the mind & body.

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