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Questions to Ask Your Surgeon Before Back Surgery | Mehta Spine

Questions to Ask Your Surgeon Before Back Surgery | Mehta Spine

Benefits, risks, cost involved, alternatives & recovery - get answers to questions before back surgery from orthopaedic & spinal surgeon Mr Jwalant S.Mehta.

Back surgery is advised by doctors when the conservative methods fail to treat the symptoms and conditions. In such cases, back surgery is the best option for the patient to get relief from the acute back pain. If the doctor has advised a back surgery to the patient, it is normal for the patient to be curious. Asking questions from the surgeon does not mean doubting his experience. Back specialists appreciate the inquiring behavior of their patients.

Mr Jwalant S Mehta is actively involved with teaching and research. He is a Clinical and Educational supervisor with the Birmingham segment of the West Midlands Trauma and Orthopaedics training programme. He has published extensively in peer reviewed journals and has authored chapters in text-books. He serves on editorial boards and is a reviewer for European Spine Journal, Spine, Spine Deformity Journal, Global Spine Journal and Bone & Joint Journal (formerly JBJS).

He graduated from the prestigious G.S. Medical College and the K.E.M. Hospital and has completed his D (Orth) and MS (Orth) from the Mumbai University. He was awarded the MCh (Orth) by the University of Liverpool. He completed the higher surgical training in South East Thames and the Wales Deaneries and was awarded the CCT in 2007.

He completed spinal fellowships in Bristol and Columbia, Missouri, USA. He has been a full time spinal surgeon since 2009. Though his practice focuses on adult and children spinal deformities, he treats all spinal conditions.

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