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What to use when precisely cutting through an electrically conductive metal?

What to use when precisely cutting through an electrically conductive metal?

A plasma cutter is used when cutting through an electrically conductive metal like steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper, and others. This process is often used in fabrication shops, the automotive industry, constructions, salvage, and scrapping operations.

Plasma cutters are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. It varies from large sizes to some handy compact pieces depending upon the area of use. Many sizes of plasma cutters in Canada are manufactured to be applied in all sectors.

How does a plasma cutter work?

The plasma cutter machines use pressurized gas having a negative electrode passing through a small channel. When supplied with power, the gas heats up and creates plasma that melts the metal sheet and breaks it into two. 

The manufacturers of plasma cutters in Canada ensure the high levels of safety of the metal. To protect from the unpredictable spread of plasma, the cutting nozzle of the cutter is surrounded by a set of shields passing a shielding gas. The heated gas creates sparking when touched to the surface of the metal to be cut. It ensures the limited radius speed of plasma spread and prevents metal oxidation.

What metals do a plasma cutter cut through?

The variety of plasma cutters ranges widely to cut metals, such as mild steel, stainless steel, carbon steel, expanded steel, Aluminium, copper, brass, and other ferrous and non-ferrous materials.

Depending upon the size and capacity of plasma cutters, Canada manufactured cuts through metal sizes from 1mm to

1 inch. The thicker the size, the larger the plasma cutter is used for the process.

Which metals can a plasma cutter not cut into pieces?

As the plasma cutter conducts ionized gas for cutting, it does not work on non-conductive or poor conductive metals like manganese, lead, tin, wood, glass or plastic. 

On concluding note:

Plasma cutters are the most preferred option in any industry that involves conductive metal cutting on an extensive basis. Such a CUT45 D portable plasma cutter is manufactured by Canaweld in lightweight size, allowing working on the generator.

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