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Frequently Eaten Foods to Reduce Arthritis Inflammation

Dr Sachin Chhabra

It hurts so bad when you have arthritis-related inflammation. Food can lessen inflammation, giving you the delicious solace you long for even while it cannot totally cure illness.

Antioxidant- and vitamin A, C, and E-rich meals have been shown in studies to reduce inflammation. These nutrients aid in the battle against the free radicals that lead to oxidative stress and subsequently worsen inflammation.

Negatively charged free radicals are looking to bind with positively charged particles. Free radicals are created by the body, which can also handle some of them.

However, when they are created in excess, free radicals lead to oxidative stress, which has been linked to inflammation. Your diet might increase the amount of free radicals and inflammation in your body.

Eat these meals instead of the ones that induce inflammation if you have arthritis:

Free radical induced oxidative stress can result in inflammation. Antioxidant-rich foods, such as those high in vitamins A, C, and E and minerals like magnesium, assist to lessen the effects of arthritis-related inflammation. Contact joint replacement surgeon in Indore for many more suggestions.

Here are some meals that can help you feel better by reducing pain and inflammation:


Pistachios, almonds, and peanuts. Monounsaturated fatty acids, which are present in most nuts, are anti-inflammatory.

Veggies with leaves:

Kaempferol is found in spinach. Sulforaphane, which is present in cauliflower and cabbage, can help prevent the development of RA.


Vitamin C, which is abundant in citrus fruits, helps to reduce inflammation. Resveratrol, a powerful anti-inflammatory and excellent for your heart, is found in grapes.


They are high in fibre and aid in the defence against the inflammatory C-Reactive Protein.


The turmeric compound curcumin aids in reducing inflammation and preventing arthritis.

All of the aforementioned items can easily be made up a sizable component of your diet and are frequently found in Indian homes.

However, if you have a condition other than arthritis or if you have a food allergy, speak with your doctor or a nutritionist to find a diet that is right for you.

Numerous people who had been battling arthritis with us were able to resume their regular lives.

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Dr Sachin Chhabra
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