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What Are The Services Provided By Gojek Clone App?

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What Are The Services Provided By Gojek Clone App?

Gojek Clone is a multiservice app that allows users to order food, book cabs, and find a handyman using their smartphone. This app is more than an app. Don't waste time building an app from scratch. Instead, you can use the pre-made gojek clone script to start your multi-service online business. You will need in-app capabilities such as geolocation and map features that allow you to identify street names and locations.

The Gojek Clone app should contain:


For a successful app, it should include some essential features which are listed below:-

- Driver/Service provider App: To access GPS coordinates, trip status, and other location-based information like arrival time, vehicle details, etc.

- Driver Management Dashboard: To manage drivers, such as vehicle maintenance and appointment scheduling.

- Geolocation tracking: The gojek clone app should know where you are located at any moment.


Gojek clone app is an on-demand all-in-one multi-service app that acts as a bridge between both customer and service provider. It provides multiple services to its customers.


In today’s time, Gojek clone is a popular term for startups and individuals who want to start multiple businesses through a single app. This app performs best on both android and ios platforms.


Services provided by Gojek clone


There are more than 60+ services that are performed by this app that’s why it is called a multi-service app. Some of the services are:


  • On-Demand taxi booking business
  • On-Demand food delivery business
  • Handyman Business
  • Parcel Delivery
  • Grocery Delivery

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