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What Are The Reasons To Implement QR Menu Ordering At Your Restaurant

Takeaway Genie
What Are The Reasons To Implement QR Menu Ordering At Your Restaurant

Contactless dining has become an essential part of restaurants today. As technology trends come and go, contactless dining looks like it will change the restaurant experience as we know it.

While it might have seemed futuristic in past, QR menu ordering is being embraced by cafes, restaurants, and bars across the globe. A QR Code allows customers to access your digital menu in a fraction of a second. Gone those days when servers rushed about to hand menus to walk-in customers, QR menus make the free online ordering system optimized.

The QR code is coded pixels that upon scanning, drive the customer directly to the online menu. It is not limited to ordering, your customers can pay through their mobile phones as well. It is a 100% contactless dining experience.

The following are the reasons you need to implement QR Menu ordering in your restaurant:

High Order Value

Upselling is one of the ways of increasing average order values. However, about upselling face-to-face with a customer, things can get awkward. Sometimes, it could prompt a customer to feel pressured or even overwhelmed. But, this is where QR Menu Ordering system comes in, upselling is easy online and the customer does not feel any stress about opting for it or not. You can also have the option of offering upsells based on the customer’s order history. It increases the chances of a higher order value.

Minimal Contact for Employees

Considering the pandemic, employee safety is of utmost concern. With QR menu ordering, you get to minimise human contact among customers and staff. Rather than running from one table to another and writing down orders, they are free to focus on other restaurant activities as customers order through their mobile phones. If you have any desire to go a step ahead, you could also set up a collection point or order point where customers can collect their orders, rather than servers taking food to them.

Effective Imagery

Captivating pictures of food that can make your mouth water instantly acts as a great marketing tool. Physical menus are limited in space and it is not feasible to have images of each food item. But, with a digital menu, you can add beautiful pictures of as many food things as you like. Normally, these pictures will look appetising on a screen instead of on paper.

Highly Economical

Using printed menus is synonymous with high printing costs. This includes various types of ink, lamination, printing costs, etc. Furthermore, in the scenario to alter costs, and adding or dropping items, it tends to be a nightmare to print menus. This is costly but far from eco-friendly. With QR menu ordering, updating your menu is a breeze and can be done free of cost, as often as you like.

Quicker Table Turnover

A major difficulty faced by restaurants is serving a maximum number of customers as quickly as possible, without making the dining experience feel rushed. QR Menu Ordering makes this simple. Customers need to wait for longer periods, trying to catch a server's attention to place their order. Ordering can be done as soon as they are seated.

Data Collection

When a customer uses a QR Menu Ordering, he needs to provide his phone number or email address as a part of the process. This information can be kept in your online ordering system and can be used for marketing. You can also build a customer profile with more and more orders based on customer data that you've gathered, like order timings, preferences, etc. Over the long term, this can help you with increasing sales.

Easy Ordering

In traditional dining, it's normal for a customer to share the same physical menu, talk about what they eat while flipping each page, and finally place their order. The disadvantage here is that as menus are passed around a table, there's significantly more contact. QR code allows customers to skip this physical contact completely and place orders in seconds from their mobile phones.

A More Efficient Menu

With digital ordering, you can mess with your menu and track the user-friendly theme and layout. If you want to promote a specific menu item or a seasonal beverage, you can place it in front of the menu with a few clicks. While you are running low on specific food items, you can easily eliminate them from the menu.

Seamless Customer Experience

QR Menu Ordering is a simple concept but you would be amazed at how much it ramps up the customer experience. It simplifies the dining process from ordering to payment. There is hardly any extent of the error. Your staff gets the freedom to devote their time and energy to other restaurant processes.

Higher Scope for Promotion

Whether you're placing a sticker of the QR code on a restaurant table, or printing out a flyer, you could always forward a brief to download your restaurant’s app. The customer will have a phone in hand, downloading the app is substantially possible. You could include connections to your social profiles, or snippets of your Instagram grid. It becomes easy to promote your restaurant on different platforms.

Takeaway Genie
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