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Homoeopathy for Migraine Treatment – DR. SHUBHAM TIWARY

Dharma Homoeopathy
Homoeopathy for Migraine Treatment – DR. SHUBHAM TIWARY

What is Migraine? 

A migraine attack is a specific sort of headache. An episode often unfolds in phases and might span many days. Severe instances can hurt a person’s day-to-day life, including their ability to work or study.

A migraine is more than simply a headache. When compared to other headache illnesses, it is a debilitating neurological condition with distinct symptoms and therapeutic options.

Migraine is one of the most excruciating types of headaches. Common migraine symptoms include throbbing, pulsing pain that is occasionally followed by nausea/vomiting and sensitivity to spotlights and noise. Some of the reasons for migraine include sun exposure, hunger, and stress, which is a widespread problem nowadays.

A warning sensation called an “aura” develops beforehand or during the headaches in certain people. Auras can involve visual abnormalities like flashes of light or blind patches, as well as physical symptoms like discomfort on one side of one’s face, arm, or leg, and difficulties speaking.

Signs of Migraine:

  • Migraines, which may afflict both youngsters and adults, can develop through four stages. Not everyone who suffers from migraines progresses through all phases.
  • Before the headache: A study in 2008 proved that 20-60% population tend to suffer symptoms that begin days or even weeks before the headache.
  • A person may have a “prodrome” at this period, which may include emotional disturbances, notably despair and irritability. A prodrome might also include drowsiness, nausea, hunger, increased urination, and sound and light hypersensitivity.
  • The headache will be moderate to severe, and it is frequently excruciating. The discomfort may be excruciating and even intolerable.
  •  The discomfort might be on one or both sides of the head. It might be in the middle or the rear.
  • Some people get migraines around or around their eyes, as well as behind their cheekbones.
  • A throbbing, hammering or pulsing sensation is caused by your headache.
  •  Physical exercise or any movement makes the headache worse.
  • An individual may get easily irritated by light, loudness, and/or odours.
  • A migraine episode might last anywhere between four hours and many days.

Causes of Migraine:

Most migraine sufferers experience spontaneous attacks, which means that nothing they did or did not do caused the attack. This is exactly how sickness acts. Some people will experience attacks that may be traced back to a specific reason. Each person’s triggers are unique, but there are a few common causes that affect a large number of individuals. Stress (good or negative), specific foods, skipping meals, drinking, resting excessively or too little, changes in climate or atmospheric pressure, hormone changes in women, injuries, and brain trauma are all common causes.

In a nutshell, the most common causes of migraine include a high level of estrogen production in the body, genetic predisposition, mental stress, allergy to strong odours, lack of sleep, and overthinking can also sometimes lead to migraine.

Statistical fact about Migraine:

Women suffer from migraine three times more than males, and evidence indicates that hormones play a role. Girls are more likely to begin having migraine episodes when they have their first period, and migraine is most frequent in women throughout their reproductive years.

Homoeopathic treatment for migraine:

The homoeopathic remedy is chosen depending on how similar the patient’s symptoms are. The drug is chosen after considering the patient’s physical and mental condition.

Migraine therapy using homoeopathy is successful. Homoeopathic medications can help reduce the severity and frequency of migraine attacks. It also aids in the progressive reduction of traditional therapy doses.

Some of the homoeopathic treatment for migraine includes Gelsemium, Belladonna, Spigelia, Natrum Mur, Glonoine, and Iris Versicolor.

Doctor Consultation:

Migraines are frequently misdiagnosed and mistreated. Keep a record of your migraine episodes and how you handle them if you have them regularly. Then, schedule a consultation with your doctor to address your headaches.

Even if you have a history of headaches, consult your doctor if the pattern changes or if your headaches feel different than usual.

Major Symptoms:

If you encounter any of the following symptoms or signs that might signal a more serious medical concern, see your doctor right away.

  • A violent headache, like a thunderstorm striking
  • Headaches with fever, stiff neck, disorientation, convulsions.
  • Double vision, numbness, or paralysis in any region of the body may indicate a stroke.
  • Headache often originates from a head injury.

Why consider homoeopathic medicine:

Homoeopathic treatments are typically considered safe, and the chance of major unfavourable side effects from using them is deemed to be low. One should consult your doctor before discontinuing any doctor-prescribed medication or foregoing procedures such as immunization in favour of homoeopathy.

Homoeopathy has the potential to give long-term relief from migraine symptoms. It can treat migraines safely and efficiently. Patients who sought homoeopathic treatment for migraines reported a significant improvement in the severity of their symptoms as well as their general quality of life.

How does homoeopathy medicine work:

Homeopathy medicines have been diluted to the point where not even a single atom of the original solute is likely to exist and provide a significant conceptual hurdle.

Many experts believe that homoeopathic medications’ therapeutic results are purely attributable to the placebo effect.

Benefits of Homeopathy treatment:

The benefit of homoeopathy for migraines is that not three patients receive the same therapy since each patient has various symptoms and requires various remedies based on their personality. You will learn what homeopathic remedies for migraines depend on where the headache begins or when it will happen.

e.g., homeopathic treatments. Silicea or Pulsatilla will be effective for headaches on the forehead, but Gelsemium might be advised for headaches in the occipital area.

There are different types of Migraine:

The major migraine types are listed below.

  • Migraine Without Aura
  • Migraine With Aura
  • Chronic Migraine
  • Abdominal Migraine
  • Acephalgic or Silent Migraine
  • Migraine With Brainstem Aura
  • Hemiplegic Migraine
  • Retinal Migraine
  • Status migrainosus

Homoeopathic remedies:

As discussed above, different types of migraines will be treated with different homeopathic medicines. Some of the common forms of treatments include head pain from strong scents, periodical migraines, pregnancy migraines, headaches caused due to reading, migraine with constipation, etc. To more about major health issues treated in Homeopathy, visit our blog page.

It is vital to consult a doctor when the symptoms are evident and strong. However, consulting a Homeopathic doctor is best advised since it helps in faster recovery without any side effects. Dharma Homeopathy serves as your one-stop destination for all your health-related problems. Book your appointment with us and make your life disease free.

Dharma Homoeopathy
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