The damaging effect of the drug pandemic on our kids is the worst reality of how slowly it is permeating India's social and cultural components. India has the greatest youth population in the world, and it appears that the drug mafia is specifically targeting our youngsters because they are the most drug-vulnerable demographic.
Young people tend to be daredevils in their youth, and it is during this time that they establish harmful habits and addictions. The immaturity of adolescents is demonstrated by the fact that the brain does not fully mature until a person is 25 years old. According to recent research, adolescents are more susceptible to addiction to drugs or alcohol because of certain regions of their "still growing brain."
The first step in solving a problem of this magnitude is admitting that there is a problem, and we must realize that India's youth, who are responsible for the moral, political, and social development of the nation, are heavily dependent on alcohol and other narcotics. Consult at the best rehab centre for addiction treatment in Indore.
We can all help the drug addiction movement by keeping an eye out for young people around us and alerting their families if we notice any signs of addiction, such as:
· Lack of concern for appearance
· Poor hygiene
· Scars on arms or legs
· Burn spots or marks on the lips or fingers.
· Strange smoke or other odors on the breath or on clothing
· Covering bad breath with cardamom, fennel seeds, chewing gum, or mints.
Families can observe their children's conduct and act quickly to treat it from the very beginning. Parents should take note of:
· Modifications in how one interacts with friends and family.
· Rude behavior, erratic moods, or a highly sensitive temperament
· Laughing uncontrollably
· Strangely awkward or clumsy
· Poor coordination or unsteady balance
All of these behavioral traits indicate drug use among young people.
Since young people represent a country's future, the issue requires a large-scale effort and widespread public support to assist the kids through the de-addiction phase. Together, let's stop drug misuse. Consult at the best rehabilitation centre in Indore.