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Should I direct learn Node.js without learning JavaScript first?

Should I direct learn Node.js without learning JavaScript first?

If you're planning on becoming a Node.js Developer, you might be wondering if you need to learn JavaScript first. The answer is: it depends. If you have already taken a programming course in another language (like Python), then you have the proper foundation and can go ahead and start learning Node JS without taking a JavaScript course.

However, if you are new to programming, it is highly recommended that you take a web development course in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to get the basics down. By doing so, you will be able to better understand Node JS and how it works.

If you're just getting started in the world of programming, you might be wondering whether you should learn JavaScript before Node JS. The answer really depends on your previous experience and comfort level with programming languages.

Also, Read this - Node js Vs PHP: Which is Better for Your Project?

If you have taken another programming course before (like Python), then you have the proper programming foundation and can go ahead and start learning Node JS without taking a JavaScript course. You can pick up the fundamentals of JS while you build servers with Node.

No, you should not learn Node.js without first learning JavaScript. While Node.js is built on top of JavaScript, it is a completely different environment with its own unique set of challenges.

If you're coming from a traditional web development background, you'll find that Node.js is a very different way of thinking about and building applications. Learning JavaScript first will give you the foundation you need to be successful in Node.js.

Also, Read this - Why Node.Js Is Best Framework For Developers?

If you're looking for a reliable Node JS development company, look no further than JumpGrowth!  At JumpGrowth, we offer a comprehensive web development course that covers all the basics of programming, including JavaScript.

Once you have a solid foundation in programming, you can then move on to learning Node JS and other more advanced topics. Contact us today to learn more about our courses and how we can help you achieve your programming goals!

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