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How Long Does It Take To Do IVF?

Rotunda IVF
How Long Does It Take To Do IVF?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the many therapies available to those with trouble conceiving. IVF entails extracting an egg from a woman’s ovaries and fertilizing it in a laboratory with sperm. The fertilized egg, known as an embryo, is returned to the woman’s womb after fertilization to grow and develop.

If you’ve decided to seek the help of a fertility specialist, which is a significant step toward reaching your family-building goals, continue reading our blog.

Click here to read the full blog on our website: https://iwannagetpregnant.com/blog/how-long-does-the-ivf-process-take/

What Is the Duration of the IVF Cycle?

IVF treatment begins only after basic fertility testing has been completed. Standard components of fertility testing include ovarian reserve, hormone levels assessment, uterine cavity examination, and semen analysis.

Specific medical conditions may need lifestyle adjustments that will increase the likelihood of a future pregnancy and make conception easier. When you include a 30-day preconception health program and fertility testing, the entire treatment can take up to as many as 60 days or at most 4 months.

What Are the IVF Stages?

(Stage 1) Oral Contraceptives – Birth Control

  • Patients undergoing IVF treatment must use oral contraceptives for 10-14 days before starting fertility medications, which may seem counterintuitive. Oral contraceptives have been shown to increase the number of eggs available for retrieval, guarantee follicles mature as a cohesive group, and improve ovarian health during IVF therapy when taken before ovarian stimulation.

(Stage 2) Fertility Medication – Stimulation

  • IVF patients begin fertility medication injections 9-11 days after concluding an oral contraception cycle. These fertility medications include naturally occurring hormones that help your follicles develop and mature (eggs are housed within the follicles).
  • The number of follicles and size determines how many mature eggs are available for retrieval. You should plan to see your fertility clinic every 5 days for a vaginal ultrasound. With good sonography, repeated hormonal tests are unnecessary.

(Stage 3)Retrieval of Eggs

  • In a half-day procedure called egg retrieval, the eggs are extracted from the ovarian follicles and sent to an IVF facility to fertilize and divide.
  • At Rotunda CHR, we track the embryos’ progress. Our embryologist watches them for five days as they divide and proliferate before shifting from the “zygote” stage to the “blastocyst” stage.
  • According to studies, embryos placed into the uterus at the blastocyst stage have a higher success rate than those transplanted on day three (while they are still in the “zygote” stage).

(Stage 4)Embryo Transfer

  • The embryo will be implanted back into the uterus on the fifth day following fertilization. (The day the eggs are gathered is known as day zero.) The embryo transfer is a procedure that lasts roughly 20 to 30 minutes.
  • During this painless procedure, you will be awake, and no anesthesia will be necessary. We will wait to see if the embryo implants in the uterus, which can take anywhere from 9 to 10 days, depending on the embryo’s maturity at the transfer time.

Things to Avoid While Undergoing IVF Treatment:

While the chances of conceiving are detailed as per your particular case, a few things can improve the likelihood of conceiving:

  1. Don’t go for the procedure without getting a thorough idea of the process
  2. Say no to alcohol
  3. Avoid taking the stress
  4. Avoid consuming any form of caffeine
  5. Avoid not showing up on your appointment date
  6. Consult your doctor before taking any supplements
  7. In the case of OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome), drink around 3-4 liters of fluids to prevent it
  8. Avoid jerky movements, like jumping and skipping, as well as vigorous exercise

If you are looking for IVF treatment and are concerned about the time duration of the IVF process, contact us today. Rotunda is committed to assisting you with the best service in your convenient environment. We will provide you with the best IVF service.

Rotunda IVF
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