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Motorcycle Must-Have Accessories to Make Your Ride Safer


There is a saying you can not buy happiness, but you can buy a motorcycle and go for a ride; it is pretty much the same thing. Having an adventure motorcycle like Honda Africa twin adventure sports can be a blessing for any adventure seeker. Going for a ride after a long tiring day provides you with an escape from day-to-day problems. However, remember, " we ride to escape life but not for life to escape us."

Whether going for a quick ride in the market or a cross-country trip, here are some of the must-have motorcycle accessories to make your ride safer.

#1- Helmets

When it comes to motorcycle safety equipment, Helmets are among the top of the list. One of the reasons behind it is the fact that it is used to protect an essential part of our body, i.e., the Head. Your bones and skins can repair themselves with time; however, damage to the brain is permanent. Therefore, wearing a good-quality helmet should be on the top of your list when it comes to the list of safety items for your motorcycle.

#2- Eye protection

When riding your motorcycle, the last thing you would want is something that can compromise your vision. Dust, fast flow of winds, raindrops, and even smaller flies can contribute to that. To prevent that from happening, it is always a good idea to invest in some good eye protection. It will not only protect your eyes but will also add to the comfort of your ride.

#3- Proper riding gears

Jackets, gloves, Motorcycle boots, ear protection, motorcycle pants, and knee guards are some of the must-have motorcycle accessories for any rider. All these gears significantly enhance your safety during the ride and certainly make them much more convenient. They might seem like additional expenses, but if you crash your motorcycle while riding, these items will protect you from severe damage keeping the injuries to the minimum. Ask any experienced rider, and they will say the same.

#4- Crash protection accessories

Investing in some crash protection accessories can save you a lot of money in the long run. Accessories like crash bobbins, frame sliders, handguards, crash bars, or skid-plates provide all-around protection to your motorcycle if you crash your motorcycle or if it suddenly falls down due for any reason. These crash protection accessories prevent damage to the main body. Damage to the main body can cost much more.

#5- Toolkits

Having a basic toolkit is a must if you are someone who travels long distances on your adventure motorcycle like Honda Africa twin adventure sports. One can not predict when your motorcycle might start facing any problems. No one wants to be stranded in the middle of nowhere. Having some basic toolkits to make temporary repairs can feel like a treasure in such situations.

#6- Communication devices

Having a wireless communication device can come in handy when traveling in a group. Wakey talky, smart watches or Bluetooth earphones can allow you to stay connected with your fellow riders. If you receive a call, you can also check in who is calling without taking out your mobile phone while riding.

#7 -Luggage racks and cases

Luggage racks and cases are some of the essential pieces of equipment that you should include in your list. These accessories provide extra storage space for your luggage, but they also work as an extra layer of protection for the main body of your motorcycle.

#8- Backrests and seat pads

Backrest and seat pads are generally considered a piece of accessories that makes the rides comfortable and surely are must-have motorcycle accessories. They also add up to safety when traveling with a pillion. Not only do they help in preventing any back pain during longer rides, but thanks to the comfort they provide, it dials down the sudden movement due to any discomfort. Furthermore, thanks to the backrest, your pillion rider will always have something to hold on to. You can also rest assured that your companion will not fall behind when you accelerate.


Whether you have a Honda Africa twin adventure sports or any other motorcycle, it is important to be wiser and ride safely on the street. Invest in some of the top-notch safety accessories to keep yourself safe and be a responsible rider when out on the streets.

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