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Non Food Uses of Olive Oil in Day to Day Life

Luessi Dino
Non Food Uses of Olive Oil in Day to Day Life

Olive oil has been known to have amazing properties when it comes to helping out in the food department. But the multi-tasker that it is, olive oil also comes extremely handy in non- food situations. How, you ask? Well, let us find out.

Olive oil, as quickly as it has become a household name when it comes to the dinner table, equally quickly has also smitten skincare and haircare experts alike! This might not be common knowledge, but extra light olive oil has been used since ancient times to bring out one’s natural beauty to the fore.

One of the main reasons for this is the fact that the best olive oil for skin happens to have a ton of antioxidants. As a result of this, it helps provide the skin with anti-ageing properties whilst also providing incredible hydration properties to it! The oil is so versatile that from using it on your skin and hair, you will end up providing them with immense nourishment.

But how does one put olive oil for the face to use for hair and other beauty provisions? Here is a list if 3 ways olive oil can help you in the beauty department.

Eye Makeup Remover

Anyone and everyone who has ever done eye makeup, knows, for a fact, that it happens to be the most difficult kind of makeup to remove. This is essentially due to the fact that the eyelids have very thin skin on them and one needs to be careful not to use force to remove the makeup! Excessive force in such a situation will end up causing harm to the lids and the eye as well. Since using the best olive oil for skin provides one with an extremely gentle way of removing makeup from the eyelids, more and more individuals are turning to this option.

But how exactly does olive oil even work when removing the makeup you ask? Well, you see, olive oil makes for an amazing medium to help in grabbing hold of any oil-based makeup product that you might have applied. As a result of this, the removal process becomes much more gentler when compared to other makeup removers available in the market. Most of the removal of the makeup, remember to wash your face with a moisturizing face wash so that the skin does not dry out.

Lip Scrub

Of course we are very thorough when it comes to taking care of our hair and skin. But sometimes, in such situations, we end up forgetting to take care of our lips properly. Haven't you noticed how quickly your lips end up drying when compared to the rest of your face? Well, this is basically because the skin on your lips is extremely thin in comparison to the rest of your skin.

This is where lip scrubs come into play! We know this night sounds counterproductive, but a good lip can help wonderfully in nourishing your lips in the best manner possible, whilst also helping remove any flakiness beautifully.

Why not try this olive oil scrub then? All you have to do is to add a little granular sugar, a drizzle of honey and the oil itself! You can also add a bit of lemon or any fragrance that you might want it to have and you are done!

Pre-shampoo Oiling

The best olive oil for skin can truly do wonders for it, but olive oil has also proven to be a brilliant addition to one's hair care regime. If you are looking to deep condition your hair prior to shampooing, then olive oil might just be the one oil that makes all that difference to your hair. So how does one go about this routine?

It is literally as simple as warming the olive oil in the microwave. Then generously apply the warm oil to the ends of your hair and massage it into the scalp. This needs to be left on your hair for at least 30 minutes prior to shampooing. Post this, wash with your regular shampoo, and by the end of it, you would have achieved those amazing tresses you had only dreamed of till now.

The Bottom Line

These are merely three ways by which olive oil has proven to be immensely beneficial to your skin and your hair. There are plenty of other ways this amazing oil can benefit your skin and even your hair. All you have to do.is know how to use it properly. 

Luessi Dino
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