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3 Types of Coding Machine Technology

3 Types of Coding Machine Technology

Currently, there are mainly three types of coding technology on the market: thermal transfer overprinting, inkjet, and laser.

Thermal Transfer Overprinting Coding

A thermal transfer overprinter coder can be used to print high-quality codes on flexible packaging at high speed. Thermal Transfer Overprinting (TTO) is the prior technology for the date, QR code, and batch NO. printing of food packaging, medical products packaging, and cosmetics and daily chemical packaging. TTO uses heat to melt the ribbon and transfer the programmed print content to the ribbon in the target area. The print head must be in complete contact with the print area to print the code. In this type of coding technology, the printed content is transferred to the product packaging or label by direct contact.

Inkjet Coding

Continuous inkjet coding printers are used in a variety of industries, including food, beverage, and industrial and manufacturing, and can print on a variety of surfaces.

Non-contact inkjet coders can print in high resolution at extremely fast speeds. And its fast printing is also better suited for mass-coding drugs and medical devices with increasingly complex codes and information.

Laser Coding

For the beverage industry, printing batch codes on the bottoms of beer cans, wine, and water bottles requires machines capable of coding on foil seals, PET, and glass. The laser coding machine can focus the high-energy density laser on the surface of the marked object, vaporize the material on the surface by burning or etching, and accurately burn the required pattern by controlling the effective displacement of the laser beam or text. Laser markers are capable of marking items and materials of a wide variety of materials, including glass, plastic, foil, and metal.

HPRT automatic coding printer adopts the thermal transfer overprinting technology, which can print numbers and texts such as production date, expiry date, best before date, one-dimensional code, two-dimensional code, logo, etc. on flexible packaging and labels at the fastest speed of 600mm/s. It is the first choice for large-scale packaging coding. Contact us for a complete thermal transfer coding solution.

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