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BathTub Choices

One of the most expensive and disruptive projects that a homeowner will ever encounter is the renovation or construction of a bathroom. Once viewed as a simple necessity of a room, baths have now become a refuge destination in the home. In addition, the age and design of a bath is a major factor in the appraisal or sale value of a home. It is vital that these complicated projects be done correctly and fashionably. When choosing a bathtub, there are many design considerations that must be taken into account. The choices have expanded far beyond the “large white rectangle” concept.

One of the most fashionable bathtub styles today is the Asian inspired Japanese Oval Bathtubs. Traditionally square or rectangular, these deep tubs often contain seats and sometimes heaters for extended relaxation. The modern styles are also available in round or oval shapes. These tubs can be installed as sunken tubs or platform tubs. The originals were constructed of wood, but the modern interpretations may be acrylic or ceramic as well.

Another popular design scheme being seen in bathrooms today is the garden tub concept. Also referred to as roman tubs, this term refers loosely to a tub that is specifically designed for reclining in comfort. They are usually positioned in an alcove or next to a rather large window to provide for a view to the outside from the tub. It is also common to install a skylight above a garden tub. When choosing a bathtub to be installed as a garden tub, placement in the room is probably the most important design consideration.

It is generally recommended that the services of a home interior designer or reputable bathroom renovation and construction company be engaged for a project of this magnitude and expense. When choosing an Oval Bathtubs, it is vital that space and style be given full consideration. Sinks, commodes and vanities are also expensive and should be given full consideration. There are many informative Websites that allow consumers to compare styles, materials and prices before buying. Customer reviews are also commonly found at these sites, which allows for true comparison shopping.

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Woven Gold India
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