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Best Budgeted Hotels in Naivasha Kenya Affordable Way

Triple Eden Naivasha Hotel
Best Budgeted Hotels in Naivasha Kenya Affordable Way

The hospitality industry is recognized as one of the top three profitable industries in Kenya's economy and has been showing remarkable results each year. In 2017, Kenya earned the US $ 1.2 billion from tourism spending, a 20% increase compared to the previous year. The hospitality industry is a vast sector and can be segmented into the following sectors –

●      Travel and Tourism

●      Accommodation

●      Food and Beverage

●      Entertainment and Recreation

Finding cheap hotels in Naivasha Kenya is always a great challenge for the tourists coming distance places of the world.

Why there is an influx of tourists to Kenya? 

●      Nairobi National Park – A large variety of Wildlife such as wildebeest, zebra, etc

●      Malindi Marine National Park is Great place for surfing, snorkeling, and deep-sea fishing, and several water sports

●      Masai Mara National Reserve – Mind-boggling population of the game & annual migration of zebra, wildebeest, etc.

●      Lake Nakuru – Located in Central Kenya, referred to as the greatest bird spectacle on earth and the flamingos are the topmost attractions of Kenya.

●      Tsavo National Park - the largest national park in Kenya wedded by the spectacular scenery of rolling volcanic landscape

●      Lamu Island - Kenya’s Lamu Archipelago and Kenya's most attractive coastline

Naivasha Kenya Attractions

●      Camp Carnellys - the best place in Naivasha for boating

●      Hells Gate National Park - There is an amazingly beautiful canyon where you can hike. Its towering cliffs, deep river canyons, acres of savanna, obsidian caves, hot springs, and volcanic activity are its topmost attractions.

●      Crescent Island can be a peninsula or an island at times.

●      Sanctuary Farm is the perfect place for horse-riding in Naivasha. You can do horse riding with zebras, giraffes, gazelles, impalas, waterbuck, and other animals.

●      Crater Lake is an emerald green lake that is present in the crater of an extinct volcano.

Several Cheap Hotels in Naivasha Kenya offers accommodation facilities at affordable price. The hotel is pocket-friendly and convenient for many corporate employees who work in Naivasha or tourists who want affordable accommodation for a short period. Call us now you will get the best Cheap Hotels in Naivasha Kenya!

There is an availability of affordable clean rooms in budgeted hotels in Naivasha offer. You will find a cheap hotel called Eden Resort, located in Naivasha, Nakuru County. These hotels are situated at Naivasha Mai Mahiu Road and are very near to Lake Naivasha. This resort offers comprehensive accommodation and dining at the most competitive prices.

Resources: https://tripleedenresort.wordpress.com/2022/08/19/best-budgeted-hotels-in-naivasha-kenya-affordable-way/


Triple Eden Naivasha Hotel
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