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All About Desserts

Craving nutella ? Worry not , we have got you covered with our hazelnut cookies. Freshly baked with our homemade hazelnut chocolat

Our cookies are 100% eggless with no preservatives and artificial flavouring.

Microwave for 10 seconds for that perfect experience of a cookie.

All orders are baked fresh on order.

We believe in Sunday being a Funday so no orders will be dispatched on sundays.

All orders placed before 12 pm are dispatched the same day and will be delivered within 3-5 days.

Our cookies are packed individually so that there is no hassle to store them.

Each cookie is approximately 40 gms.

All Cookies have a shelf life of 25 days.

Craving nutella ? Worry not , we have got you covered with our hazelnut cookies. Freshly baked with our homemade hazelnut chocolat

Our cookies are 100% eggless with no preservatives and artificial flavouring.

Microwave for 10 seconds for that perfect experience of a cookie.

All orders are baked fresh on order.

We believe in Sunday being a Funday so no orders will be dispatched on sundays.

All orders placed before 12 pm are dispatched the same day and will be delivered within 3-5 days.

Our cookies are packed individually so that there is no hassle to store them.

Each cookie is approximately 40 gms.

All Cookies have a shelf life of 25 days.

Craving nutella ? Worry not , we have got you covered with our hazelnut cookies. Freshly baked with our homemade hazelnut chocolat

Our cookies are 100% eggless with no preservatives and artificial flavouring.

Microwave for 10 seconds for that perfect experience of a cookie.

All orders are baked fresh on order.

We believe in Sunday being a Funday so no orders will be dispatched on sundays.

All orders placed before 12 pm are dispatched the same day and will be delivered within 3-5 days.

Our cookies are packed individually so that there is no hassle to store them.

Each cookie is approximately 40 gms.

All Cookies have a shelf life of 25 days.

Craving nutella ? Worry not , we have got you covered with our hazelnut cookies. Freshly baked with our homemade hazelnut chocolat

Our cookies are 100% eggless with no preservatives and artificial flavouring.

Microwave for 10 seconds for that perfect experience of a cookie.

All orders are baked fresh on order.

We believe in Sunday being a Funday so no orders will be dispatched on sundays.

All orders placed before 12 pm are dispatched the same day and will be delivered within 3-5 days.

Our cookies are packed individually so that there is no hassle to store them.

Each cookie is approximately 40 gms.

All Cookies have a shelf life of 25 days.

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