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Listen to sad songs and feel better

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Listen to sad songs and feel better


There are times when listening to sad rap songs can help you feel better. In fact, many people find that listening to depressing looking music helps them relax and clear their head. If you're feeling down, some tracks might be able to take the edge off. Here's how to find out if your favorite sad track is helping you feel better:

How to Listen to Sad Songs and Feel Better.

Sad songs can help reduce stress and improve mood. They can make you feel sad, angry, or upset, but they also have a way of making you feel better. In fact, some scientists believe that sad songs play an important role in the brain.

What Does Sad Music Do to the Brain

When you listen to sad music, your brain may experience two main effects: It may release oxytocin, which is sometimes called the "cuddle hormone," and it may increase levels of serotonin. These effects may help to reduce stress and improve mood.

Another one of my all time sad song favorites is the hit song by Backstreet Boys - 'Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely'. This is one heart-tearing song which I first listened to when my best friend passed away in a car crash. It has always brought tears to my eyes while the memories of my friend flashed through my mind. And at times when I experience a loss of loved one or a friend or when my beloveds are distant to me, I put on this song and lose myself completely in it.

Broken Strings - James Morrison ft. Nelly Furtado is yet another sad song that speaks of broken relationships. The song is about two lovers who are breaking up and they want to hold each other for the last time before saying good time. They are singing to each other the memories of their beautiful relationship but they both know it is too late to make things right now. Broken Strings is a wonderfully written sad song and is sung by two great singers of all times, James Morrison and Nelly Furtado who happen to be my favorite.

Evanescence's Amy Lee not only has a great voice that reaches the depths of a heart but also she sings songs with best ever lyrics. Her song My Immortal is about how the face of her own lover has turned into a nightmare for her and memories from the past now haunts her. She wishes to escape from her past and not look back but those memories are tied to her soul and they just won't leave her alone. The piano notes and the voice are so touching that makes you cry.


Sad songs can have a lot of effects on the brain. In fact, they can help you feel better in various ways. Whether you're looking to reduce stress or just want to relax, listening to sad songs may be the perfect solution for you. By understanding how Sad Music Affects The Brain, we hope that this article was of some help.

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