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Benefits offered by the QuickBooks Auto Data Recovery (ADR)

James Ryter
Benefits offered by the QuickBooks Auto Data Recovery (ADR)

In the event of data loss or corruption, an excellent feature in the QuickBooks Desktop called Auto Data Recovery (ADR) enables you to restore your crucial data. Most of the time, Intuit Data Services can assist with data recovery. However, the procedure could take some time, and you might be unable to use QuickBooks for a few days as a result.

The QuickBooks auto data recovery can be used to restore lost or corrupted data quickly and conveniently. Scroll through this article to know the various benefits of this feature and the procedure to use this impressive recovery tool.

ADR can help you in recovering the lost file by:

•       By restoring your lost transactions using your current Transaction Log file and your Company file, the ADR tool can assist you in finding your lost File.

•       By using a copy of both your Company file and your Transaction Log file, this tool can restore all transactions up until the most recent few hours.

Restoring recent transactions with the. QBW.adr file and the.TLG file

To recover all recent transactions, use the original Transaction Log file and the ADR version of the company file.

•       Initially, you are supposed to create a new folder named QBTest on your desktop.

•       Then, visit the Folder containing the company file.

•       For your convenience in locating the company file folder, you can hit the F2 or Ctrl+1 on your keyboard to bring up the Product Information screen and the No Company Open Window. You can find the location of the company file therein.

James Ryter
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