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How to Become an Amazing Underwater Photographer

Lisa Saad
How to Become an Amazing Underwater Photographer

Photography is all about creativity, art, and passion. A great mix of these three can produce beautiful images and can become an immortal art piece for life. As it sounds, underwater photography is much trickier than any other type of photography. It's not just about light and exposure, as being underwater is also about life under the sea or aqua life. So, to become a great underwater photographer, here is the list of things that you need to keep in mind:


1) Skilled Swimmer:  You don't want to drown while you are shooting your best shot for the day. So you must have a passion for swimming and be a pro at it.


2) An Artist: To learn photography, you must be an artist. You need to have a heart and an understanding of art. You should be able to appreciate the beauty of it.


3) Passion for Aqua/Marine Life: A photographer should be able to appreciate and acknowledge the beauty of the underwater world. Everyone can understand how life underwater works and how to capture the perfect shots that everyone can enjoy.


4) Enroll in a course: Once you've determined what you want to do, you can plan your future around it. Then you need to take a class and understand how the camera works underwater, how you manage the light and exposure underwater, and how to add more light to make your shot perfect.


5) Get experience with a camera: Once you know how to handle a camera in daylight, it is essential to understand how to work with a camera underwater. You need to get experience with the camera underwater.


6) Watch documentaries: You need to have proper information and knowledge about marine life before you start swimming and taking pictures. You need to know the dangers and hazards of shooting in the water. This will assist you in preparing for the shoot.


7) Learn to edit: Getting 100% perfect shots is impossible, so you must learn how to edit. Either with the help of Adobe Photoshop or any other application that you have learned to use. That will help you to clean up the unwanted mess from your pictures.


8) Get experience in production: Before you start on your own, you must work with someone or a team to understand how the show takes place. That will help you gain experience in shooting underwater.


9) Become a Diver: Jumping into a swimming pool is easy because you know how to swim by now. But it is equally important that you learn how to dive, especially for your underwater shoots. It would help if you dipped in the ocean, where you might not be able to see how deep you have to dive.


10) Learn to work for little or little money: In the beginning, it might get a little tough to get hold of regular work. As a result, you must understand how to find a job and establish yourself in the community.


11) Understand the art of selling yourself and promoting yourself: As an artist with the help of testimonials, awards, and the artwork you have created. With the help of your work, you should be able to narrate stories. Promote your pictures on the internet, LinkedIn, webpages, and social media. Let people learn about you and yours and let them come to you. Let your previous clients talk about you and your pictures.


12) Be Patient: Working underwater can be challenging at times. Learn the art of being patient. Your hard work will give you results sooner or later. So be patient; things will fall into place soon.


Working as a photographer is very difficult. It's just not about holding the camera correctly. You have to learn about the techniques, the gadget that you are playing with, the product that you have to work with, and, in the end, about the clients' needs. You must understand completely what you are going to work with. This immortal piece of your art is the only portrayal of your work. These phenomenal art pieces will narrate the stories you want to tell the world.


Lastly, for a photographer in Melbourne to acknowledge themselves as a renowned photographer, they must enroll in ACMP photographers. It is essential for studio owners in Melbourne. They can enter the competition and be awarded for it, learn about their match, learn from their peers, and gain more experience in Melbourne photography. Learn more techniques and enhance your skills. That way, you will be to advance your skills and see the areas for improvement. Get your work published in magazines with the help of ACMP. Let people know about you and your creativity.

Lisa Saad
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