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Influencer marketing with best ROI returns


Well you can follow certain methods to track down Instagram influencers for free for your brand and bring in tremendous ROI:

  • You just have to check out the extensively popular posts for specific hashtags.
  • Watch Your Brand's Followers
  • Survey Brand Mentions to locate Top Proponents
  • You can also search Instagram Influencers on the explore page
  • Or Check out the the List of Top 1000 Instagram Influencers
  • Use some dedicated tools and platforms
  • Lastly you can also search on Google as well.

Also if you want to get rid of the hassle. Download the Freeskout app because Freeskout’s specialty is activating thousands of macro and micro-influencers instead of investing the cost on big celebrity influencers. Freeskout works with influencers on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Freeskout drafts out a successful plan for almost every other campaign on social media that may come across like a genuine word-of-mouth movement around the product they work with. Be a part of such campaigns. Participate in them via the Freeskout app. And follow us on our social media channels to know more about such campaigns.

Discover, chat and collaborate with your dream brands. Visit our website to get in touch with the right brands and to know the perks of influencer marketing.

Social media lets industries form trust and credibility with their audience.

When digging through for high-value products and services, or a medical procedure or a new car, many people correlate the customer journey with a lot of vigilance.

Facebook particularly allows customers to leave feedback on their experiences.

 Frequently, buyers will utilize this wisdom to specify their favorable and unfavorable feelings towards a product or service before making an examination.

In fact, about 95% of customers read reviews before bringing in a new thing or making a purchase.

Every marketer believes in the power of word of mouth.

Suggestions and recommendations on social media perform the same but with the additional openness and spread.

According to a study, 88% of customers believe online reviews as much as personal advice.

Customer reviews and case studies on social media help marketers publicly immerse with potential clients, which in turn, can have a direct influence on earnings.

Social media is also a good tool for businesses to reach people.

So, just because the conversion rate is lower doesn’t mean it’s not impacting your revenue!

Here are some Average lead conversion rates for social media by industry:

  • Agency. . 1.2%
  • Automotive 2.9%
  • B2B eCommerce 2.0%
  • B2B Services 2.1%
  • B2B Tech 1.0%
  • B2C eCommerce. 1.1%
  • Cosmetic and Dental 1.0%
  • Financial 2.8%
  • Healthcare 3.1%
  • Industrial 1.4%
  • Legal 1.6%
  • Professional Services 4.5%
  • Real Estate 0.8%
  • Travel 1.6%

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