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Top 2 ACE Tractor Models in India at Budget-Friendly Range

Tractor Guru
Top 2 ACE Tractor Models in India at Budget-Friendly Range

The ACE tractor is one of the famous tractor brands in the tractor industry that manufactures haulage and commercial specialist tractor models with advanced technology. It has multipurpose tractors, from mini to heavy-duty tractor models, that range from 26 HP to 88 HP. The ACE tractor price starts from Rs. 4.35 Lakhs, which goes up to Rs. 15.75 Lakhs, which is convenient for the farmers’ budget. The top ACE tractor models are described with their price and details, which we mentioned below. The ACE Models are affordable and farmers can easily afford them. Its sales average 3000 tractors in India market. For more updates about ACE tractor and other tractor brands and their models visit our online platform.

Popular ACE Tactor Models 2022

1. ACE DI-305NG

It is a 26 HP tractor which is fitted with 2 cylinders and a 2044 CC engine that generates 1800 RPM. Its Single Dry Type clutch and Constant mesh transmission type perform better, including 8 forward and 2 reverse gears. The ACE DI-305NG price is available from Rs. 4.35 - 4.55 lakh*. 

2. ACE DI 7575

The ACE DI 7575 has 75 HP engine power that delivers from the 4088 CC engine and 3 cylinders, ensuring better fuel mileage. It is fitted with a dual-clutch and Sliding Mesh transmission type with 8 forward and 2 reverse gears, which are shifted on the side. The ACE DI 7575 price starts from Rs. 7.56 Lakhs to Rs. 7.86 Lakhs*, which is budget-friendly in the heavy-duty segment.  

To check more ACE tractor models, visit our website, Tractor Guru.

Tractor Guru
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