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Australian Opal Direct
A little story about Opal

Australia supplies about 95% of the world's precious opal from large deposits in New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland (around the edges of the Great Artesian Basin).

Opal artifacts dating back several thousand years have been discovered in East Africa.

As early as 250 BC, the Romans prized opals, which were thought to have come from mines in Eastern Europe, the ancient world's main source of opals.

Australian opal pendant discovered during the late 19th century (they found little favor in European markets, but their commercial value increased in the 19th century).

In Australia, the rare opal wedding band occurs in the Cretaceous period, and it is also the only part of the world where opalized animal and plant fossils have been found.

Like the one pictured above, this is a "Lightning Ridge Black Opal" set in a 9k yellow gold ring I made for a client.

This gemstone works especially well when blocking bad dreams or nightmares. It brings back the focus on mental abilities and propels one forward in life by offering motivation and energy.

One feels trust at a deeper level and this trust is independent of all external entities. Confidence comes into place when an individual is empowered to understand his true inner self.

The opal gemstone is highly sensitive to the wearer's energies. It works by projecting the same vibrations onto the carrier. This really makes the opal gemstone the perfect statement stone.

And if you believe in an idea, opal would work perfectly with the gemstone to bring those ideas to the fore and bring you closer to your ambition or goal.

But you may still have reason to be cautious.

Negative energies can also be greatly amplified when adorning an opal gemstone. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to avoid using opal if you are feeling low for any reason. And that's because the gem might not work as well to keep you high in such a scenario.

Australian Opal Direct
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