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Msc electronic media | masters in mass communication | Gardencity university

Gardencity university

Garden City University: MSc In Electronic Media

Students who complete the MSc in Electronic Media programme at the Garden City University gain the skills necessary to succeed as media managers or consultants by learning how the major media companies operate. The importance of courses like media research, broadcast journalism, and cinematography is rising as the world becomes more and more digital. Because of this, it is not surprising that MSc Electronic Media graduates from GCU find themselves in esteemed positions inside companies like technical support officers, social media account managers, and media planning officers.

masters in mass communication graduates will be able to organise a company's digital presence, distribute executive messages, resolve customer complaints, and set up advanced advertising tactics based on predetermined marketing objectives. They can successfully steer businesses toward their goals by helping them with such crucial branding and marketing tasks, all the while considerably furthering their own careers.

Companies will continue to confront difficulties navigating the waters of electronic media for the foreseeable future. Graduates of this programme will go on to hold prestigious positions as Public Relations Officers, Media Planning Managers, Electronic Data Organisers, and Technical Support Managers, with the option to advance to a broad range of other positions.

MSc in Electronic Media: Career Opportunities

Because of their dedication, MSc Electronic Media and other GCU alumni are widely sought after by employers in India and around the world. Our alumni go on to fill demanding positions in a variety of media businesses, such as Public Relations and Communications agencies, Events Marketing agencies, Business Intelligence, Social Network Marketing, Music Licensing, and Record Labels. Additionally, graduates of our programme have landed jobs with renowned multinational corporations.

We have a working placement drive at Garden City University that has historically been shown to boost the performance of MSc in Electronic Media graduates, on the job market and be a wonderful experience. By using the experience as the basis for your dissertation projects, you can obtain more insight into the work-related place surroundings as part of the working placements drive that you conduct. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the numerous options Bangalore has to offer while receiving guidance from one of our committed Employability Officers.


GCC HOUSE, H. No. 340 Indiranagar Double Rd,

Stage 1, Indiranagar, Bengaluru - 560038,

Ph: 90-1992-1992

Landline: +91 (80) 2526 1112

Email: pro@gardencity.university

Gardencity university
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