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Ba english with comparative literature colleges in bangalore | ma with specialization in computational linguistics colleges | Gardencity university

Gardencity university

B.A English with literary study

The Bachelor’s programme in English with literary study , at GCU, has been crafted to review literature from diverse cultures, genres, or nations, in order that students can explore the implications and relationships between these pieces, and other sorts of cultural expression.

The curriculum also encourages exploring medical, legal, and scientific literature. ba english with comparative literature Films and translated ancient texts also form a core a part of this curriculum. literary study transcends boundaries, and places a stress on an interdisciplinary analysis of literary works, within historical shifts, the economy, political dynamics, the urban environment and diplomacy .

With an in-depth understanding of literature from everywhere the globe, the graduates undergo a holistic development during the course and develop analytical skills that are invaluable to potential employers.

Graduates from GCU can apply their well-honed skills within the field of creative writing, journalism, academia, journalism, and marketing. An undergraduate degree in English with Comparative Studies is additionally in great demand in the film-making and publishing industry.


The programme will start with the core module of Foundations of English Studies then a further English module on poetry or drama. it'll also include modules of Worlds of Literature, introducing one to key areas of literary study through the study of novels, plays, poetry and short stories from round the world. Optional modules are available in areas like world histories, world politics or audio-visual culture.

In the advanced second year one will take a core module on Reception, Transmission and Translation, which introduces one to the idea and practice of global literary circulation and culminates in the production of an edited anthology. One may choose specialisation from a good range of optional modules from English and Languages, Cultures and Societies.

One also will be taught to ba english with comparative literature colleges in bangalore apply the critical and research skills that one has developed to research projects, where one will independently research a subject which draws on knowledge of English and literature from other cultures, like the myth of Odysseus from Homer to Derek Walcott, global dystopias, comparative post-colonialisms, or the ways during which foreign-language detective fiction has been received in the English-speaking world.

Apart from that optional modules covering an array of topics, like different periods of English literature, Dante, Shakespeare, writing the Holocaust, and times literature, a module where one would investigate different writing styles and trends across the planet .


GCC HOUSE, H. No. 340 Indiranagar Double Rd,

Stage 1, Indiranagar, Bengaluru - 560038,

Ph: 90-1992-1992

Landline: +91 (80) 2526 1112

Email: pro@gardencity.university

Gardencity university
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