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Specification, Types and Application Of Cupro Nickel Pipes and Tubes

Gasco Inc
Specification, Types  and Application Of Cupro Nickel Pipes and Tubes

What is Cupro Nickel ?

Cupronickel, often known as copper-nickel (CuNi), is an alloy of copper that also includes reinforcing components like iron and manganese as well as nickel. Usually, the copper concentration ranges from 60% to 90%. (Monel is a nickel-copper alloy with at least 52% nickel by weight.)Cupronickel is a silver-colored metal despite having a lot of copper in it. Due to cupronickel's exceptional resistance to corrosion caused by salt water, it is frequently used for marine gear, saltwater system pipes, heat exchangers, and condensers. The chemical, petrochemical, and electrical industries are among further uses.

Specification of Cupro Nickel Pipes and Tubes

Size: 6 NB to 2400 NB x SCH 5 to SCH XXS.

Thickness: 0.35mm to 50mm

Grades: Cu-Ni 90/10 (C70600), Cu-Ni 70/30 (C71500)

Length: Single Random, Double Random & Custom Cut Length

Dimensions: ASTM B111 ASME SB111 / ASTM B466 ASME SB466 / ASTM B 467 ASME SB 467 / ASTM B543, B552 ASME SB543 SB552

Types of Cupro Nickel Pipes and Tubes

Cupro Nickel 90/10 Pipes

A thin protective surface layer forms after a few weeks of contact with saltwater, providing continuing resistance, and Gasco Inc. is one of the largest manufacturers of Cupro Nickel 90/10 Pipes in India. The highest grade alloy used to create these 90/10 pipes gives them remarkable strength, flexibility, and corrosion resistance.

Cupro Nickel 70/30 Pipes

A thin protective surface layer forms after a few weeks of contact with saltwater, providing continuing resistance, and Gasco Inc. is one of the largest manufacturers of Cupro Nickel 70/30 Pipes in India. The finest alloy used to create these 70/30 pipes gives them great strength, flexibility, and corrosion resistance.

Cupro Nickel 70/30 Tubes

A thin protective surface layer forms after a few weeks of contact with saltwater, providing continuing resistance, and Gasco Inc. is one of the largest producers of Cupro Nickel 70/30 tubes in India. These 70/30 tubes feature remarkable strength, flexibility, and corrosion resistance since they are composed of the highest grade alloy.

Cupro Nickel 90/10 Tubes 

One of the largest producers of Cupro Nickel 90/10 tubes in India is Gasco Inc. After a few weeks of exposure to saltwater, the material forms a thin layer of protection on the surface, providing ongoing resistance. These 90/10 tubes feature remarkable strength, flexibility, and corrosion resistance since they are composed of the highest grade alloy.

Cupro Nickel Pipes and Tubes Applications

  • Cuni Pipes and Tubes used in the Sugar Industry.
  • Cuni Pipes and Tubes in the Power and ShipBuilding Industry.
  • Cuni Pipes and Tubes in Mechanical and Plant engineering
  • Cuni Pipes and Tubes in Food, Beverage, and Dairy
  • Cuni Pipes and Tubes in Oil and Gas Plant
  • Cuni Pipes and Tubes in Process Instrumentation

Cupro Nickel Pipes and Tubes Suppliers

Due to the dependability and performance of its products, Gasco Inc. is one of India's top manufacturers, suppliers, dealers, producers, and exporters of Cupro Nickel Pipes & Tubes. We have sales agents in the major cities of India because we are dedicated to offering high-quality Cupro Nickel Pipes & Tubes at fair rates with straightforward services.

Website: gascocopper.com

Visit us:Cupro Nickel Pipes and Tubes Manufacturer in India

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Gasco Inc
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