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Real estate agent responsibilities

Chris Vish
Real estate agent responsibilities

Rule 1-Fiduciary An agent must understand that he has a fiduciary responsibility to his clients, both morally and ethically (in accordance with the Code of Ethics of almost all realtor associations and the majority of state real estate legislation). This requires him to respect client privacy and refrain from revealing any personal information or motives for a sale that might damage the homeowner's bottom line. The line between doing this and having to honestly disclose anything that might be viewed as a material issue, etc., is occasionally somewhat blurry. Among these are things like material flaws and known problems with the neighbourhood that could lower values. Non-disclosure of the seller's financial information and expressing a client's time commitment are two examples of how to protect a client's interests ethically.


2. Integrity: Agents must clearly show that they are committed to upholding their complete integrity, despite any temptation to cut corners. The best interests of your clients must always come first, and any personal gains or self-interest must never get in the way of that goal or aim. Agents need to be customer-focused!


3. Responsiveness: What separates responsible, responsive agents from the rest of the pack is frequently how well someone communicates their message and reacts to the queries, concerns, etc. of both their clients and potential purchasers! Your representative must give you his opinion and be ready to offer you advice, recommendations, and other insights.


You should thoroughly interview potential candidates before choosing one to assist you to promote, sell, and represent your house in order to identify who would be able to best meet your unique needs, objectives, and priorities. This makes sense because, for the majority of us, our home is our single largest financial asset choose Best Realtor Brighton carefully.

Chris Vish
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