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Cosmetic Dentistry- Everything You Need to Know

Cade Smith
Cosmetic Dentistry- Everything You Need to Know

Do you have imperfections like stained, misaligned, or missing teeth? They could hold you back from feeling confident and comfortable showing off your smile. A dentist near you is skilled in improving your smile and restoring the functionality of your teeth. 

Our smile is what people mostly notice first; it is what people focus on when conversing. Our smile radiates the emotions and joy in us. Cosmetic dentistry refers to dental works that improve the appearance of the bite, gums, and teeth. Cosmetic dentistry may not necessarily improve teeth and mouth functionality, but some procedures performed by a cosmetic dentist near you can do so through teeth alignment. Cosmetic dentistry in Phoenix involves procedures to make changes to teeth color, position, shape, or length.

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

If the look of your teeth restricts you, cosmetic dentistry may be right for you. Benefits include:

- Quickly and effectively transform the look of your teeth and smile. It can restore stained, gapped, chipped, or misshapen teeth.

- restoring confidence. Procedures such as veneers, teeth whitening, fillings, dental crowns, and dental implants help shed the insecurity you want to show off your smile. 

- helps you look younger – Dark teeth can make you look older than you are. Correcting this issue with veneers or crowns makes you attain a youthful appearance.  

- improves dental health. Procedures such as dental crowns can protect a damaged tooth from deteriorating further. Similarly, dental implants keep the gums and jawbone intact. 

People who undergo cosmetic dentistry procedures are likely to pay attention to caring for their teeth since they want to preserve the results. Therefore, they will brush and floss normally. They will avoid sugary snacks. 

Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Many cosmetic dental procedures are available. The common ones are:

Teeth whitening

Dental veneers

Composite resin fillings


Traditional braces

Dental crowns

Cade Smith
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