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Big Data Applications in the Real World

Big Data Applications in the Real World

Today, big data is being put to use in several different ways.


The Global Positioning System (GPS) and Mobile Mapping

Old, muddled paper maps are now a thing of the past. As it stands right now, we can use GPS systems that rely on satellites to help us find our way around any part of the globe. GPS maps provide a lot more than just show you how to get from A to B once you've input your starting and ending locations.


They'll also give you an estimated travel time, provide turn-by-turn directions, and highlight any stops along the way. Big data has allowed for the constant enhancement of GPS tracking and mobile mapping by programmers. The proliferation of mobile-based apps and smartphones, together with the liberalization of telecom grids, has resulted in significant advancement in the quality of life enabled by the Internet of Things.


Since it produces huge amounts of big data, businesses may use it to enrich their maps with additional information. For example, Google Maps has seen numerous iterations of improvement over the past few years.


eCommerce/Online Shopping

From the minute we enter a search query and are presented with personalized adverts on an e-commerce platform, all the way through to the moment we receive our purchased item, big data is being used at every stage.


Online retailers may learn about customers' buying habits, shopper personas, and pain areas with the use of big data. Because of this, whether you conduct a web search or visit a specific website, you will see advertising that is more relevant to you across numerous online platforms.


This is the epitome of a data-intensive real-world application. To maximize sales, sellers need access to more information than what is provided by a buyer's online profile. The vendor can learn more about his customers' demographics and shopping habits by allowing the pay-per-click ad option and keeping tabs on their clicks.


Urban Planning

Big data is used by governments for urban planning, including the creation of smart cities. With the help of Big Data, city planners can gain a fresh perspective on how cities operate. Improving the efficiency of public transit is one way in which Big Data is helping to revolutionize city planning.


Consumption of energy

Energy efficiency is greatly aided by the automation of smart meters made possible by big data. Throughout a city, smart meters collect information from a network of sensors. Like those who plan the movement of people, they determine the points where the flows and ebbs of electricity are greatest.


The power is then redistributed across the entire system to the areas that use it most. Smart meters may be an expensive upfront investment, but they will change the energy distribution industry for the better in the long run. The distribution and redistribution of energy throughout a specific network will be optimized through autonomous adjustments.



Even before the widespread availability of the Internet, marketers made effective use of tailored advertisements. Before, marketers only had limited information to work with, but today they have far more.


Based on consumers' radio and television viewing habits, email survey responses, etc., they could only speculate as to what people enjoyed. Due to the rapid changes in the online environment, marketing has become increasingly dependent on data. Massive troves of intelligent data that can reveal what clients look for, click on, and favor can now be purchased or gathered.


There has also been a proliferation of performance-related data, such as click baits, impressions, and a host of other cutting-edge analytic measures, that may be used to precisely gauge the success of different advertising initiatives. These resources offer much more sophisticated insight than simple sales numbers.


Anticipating and avoiding criminal activity

High-quality, real-time analytics can help law enforcement agencies identify criminal activity, understand crime/incident patterns, and locate possible risks in a given location. Because of this, they can proactively improve the safety and security of neighborhoods and businesses.


Tax conformity

Modern society relies heavily on various forms of electronic communication and computing. With the use of big data technologies, accountants can streamline several crucial financial and tax-related processes. Using big data, tax agencies may streamline the collection of taxpayer data, implement more effective management practices for processing that data, and create a comprehensive tax database.


Tax authorities may utilize big data applications to examine both unstructured and structured data from many sources, to identify fraudulent activity and multiple identities. This aids in the investigation of potential instances of tax fraud.


Many micro, small, and medium-sized enterprise (MSE) finance managers have been hazy so far on the use of big data inside the taxation spectrum. But this chasm can be overcome with the right education, opening the door to ground-breaking tax audits.


Final Words

This was all about the top big data applications in the real world. If you are interested in the domain of big data, then going for business analytics or data science career is the best pick for you. Skillslash can help you here. Being the best eLearning institute in the country, Skillslash provides a comprehensive Full Stack Developer Course in Hyderabad or Data Science course in Hyderabad to ensure you learn, apply and then earn. Feel free to Get in Touch with the support team to know more about the course.

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