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How to Make Creative Video Content That Pops

Mike Cooklis
How to Make Creative Video Content That Pops

You don't need Hollywood production values to make creative and compelling video content. Whether you're shooting a commercial, a product demo, or just a fun brand video production, there are a few simple things you can do to make sure your video stands out from the crowd.


1. Keep It Short and Sweet

No one wants to sit through a 15-minute commercial, no matter how good the product is. Keep your videos short and to the point; the average internet user has an attention span of about 8 seconds, so you need to make sure your message is getting across quickly. Aim for videos that are 60 seconds or less.


2. Make It visually Appealing

People are visual creatures, so make sure your business video is pleasing to the eye. Use bright colors, interesting graphics, and engaging footage. And although you want your video to look good, don't sacrifice quality for quantity; even the most beautifully-shot video will lose its impact if it's choppy and poorly edited.


3. Add an element of surprise

Nobody likes being bored, so keep your viewers on their toes by adding an element of surprise to your videos. This could be a plot twist, a funny outtake, or even just an unexpected lyrical choice in your soundtrack. whatever it is, make sure it's something that will catch your viewers off guard and leave them wanting more.


With just a little bit of creativity and effort, you can make videos that are both informative and visually appealing. Keep them short and sweet, make them look good, and throw in a little element of surprise, and you'll have videos that will keep your audience engaged from beginning to end.


If you’re looking for a hand in creating great creative business videos production and could use the help of a local videographer, the team at moho is here to help!


Mike Cooklis
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