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Ix Global Review | How it Work

Ix Global Review | How it Work

Any long lasting change or transformation comes through information and support! (Innovation).

At iX, our community of like minded individuals are here to help and support you through whatever trials or difficulties you are currently experiencing in Life.

iX has created a platform that will help you innovate and transform your life. Our platform utilizes some of today’s latest trends and then we weave those trends together with good old-fashioned principle centered development (in every or any area you are looking to develop).

Leverage today’s most addictive trends!

  • Productivity
  • Health
  • Fitness
  • Spirituality
  • Mind
  • Career
  • Influence
  • Love
  • Mindfulness
  • Social

Behavior-based Chat

Communicate with like minded members using tags to send target messages.


Daily Habit Tracking

True transformation come from creating new Habits! With iX you can shape, track, and get rewarded for improving your core behaviors.


Gamified Training

We Empower our users to consume your training content Netflix-style, in the desired order and timeframe.

Multimedia Channels

We enable our tribe to follow content updates. Notifications will bring you back for more!


Social Recognition

People thrive on recognition. iX wants our entire community to be recognized in real time with our dynamic Recognition Wall.


Leaderboards & Contests

Our community is all about YOU! We at iX reward you through contests. Our leaderboards track your engagement in real time!

Community Based Learning

The education system around the globe is a thing of the past. It does not prepare us for the world of tomorrow.

We at iX focus on community based learning through a platform that is easy to use and a support community that is fun to be a part of.

iX is one of the fastest growing online self betterment platforms in the world. Choose from truly transformative content taught by some of the best trainers that have experienced the astounding results of applying these principles in their own life, and get the results to stick by participating in our iX accountability community.

Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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