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How To Extend The Life Of The Lace Front Wig?

Allen Smith
How To Extend The Life Of The Lace Front Wig?

Lace front wig's lace is designed to create a more realistic hairline. But since bacteria can easily accumulate on a dirty forehead, it can easily reduce the beauty and comfort of the lace. So, if you want your lace front wig to look its best and last a long time, you must wash it regularly.

It is important to properly care for your lace front wig to achieve the longest life and best appearance. Maintaining and cleaning your lace front wig is not difficult. Just give the wig some special care. Regular lace front wig will make it look clean, new, longer, prettier and attractive and prevent shedding, curling and tangling. So,How to better extend the life of the wig? See our guides for lace front wig.

1. Don't wash your lace front wig too often. Washing your wig frequently can strip off the synthetic fibers. It is difficult to recover from the damage caused to your hair by shampooing.

2. We strongly recommend checking the water temperature when wearing a lace wig. Do not wash your wig in hot water, but use cold or lukewarm water. After all, hot water can cause a human hair lace wig to lose its softness and even deform. Cold water also makes it easier for us to style the wig.

3. Wear a wig cap under the wig. Wearing a wig cap will protect your natural hair and prevent the wig from absorbing head oils or products from your hair, making it last longer between washes.

4. Never sleep with your wig on as this will cause it to become messy and tangled. You can put them on a wig stand or wig head.

5. Place your wigs on a wig stand when you are not wearing them. This will help maintain its structure and prevent tangles. Keep wigs in a dry, cool place. Harsh conditions such as direct sunlight can dry out the hair and even change its color.

6. Never use hair care products for human hair on a wig. The chemicals in human hair shampoos, conditioners and styling treatments can cause potentially irreversible damage to synthetic and real hair wigs. If you use human hair hair care products, your wig will look frizzy, shapeless or too shiny.

Allen Smith
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