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Why aren't keyboard keys made from metal or glass?

Why aren't keyboard keys made from metal or glass?

Why aren't keyboard keys made from metal or glass?

If you’ve ever used a keyboard, you know how frustrating it can be when a key starts to feel “sticky” or “loose.” And if you’re like most people, you probably just assume that the keyboard needs to be replaced. But what if we told you that this isn’t actually an issue with your keyboard? In fact, it may have everything to do with the materials used to make the keys. Keypad and keyboard keys are typically made from plastic or metal plates that are pressed against each other. The problem is that these materials don’t always hold up well over time. In fact, they can start to feel “sticky” or “loose” due to gunk and dust buildup. The good news is that there are ways to combat this issue. You can replace your keyboard keys every few years, or you can try using metal or glass keys instead. Both of these materials are much more durable, so you won’t have to worry about them breaking down over time.

The History of Keyboard Keys

Keyboard keys are not made from metal or glass because these materials would be too heavy and expensive to create, respectively. Instead, keyboard keys are typically made from a plastic or rubber material that is filled with air and then shaped into the necessary shape. This process creates a key that is very light and affordable to produce.

image source: https://www.pinterest.ph

The Types of Keyboard Keys

How are keyboard keys made?

Keyboards are typically made from plastic or other materials. The types of keys on a keyboard are also typically made from these materials. There are two main types of key: flat and round.

There are several reasons why keyboard keys are not typically made from metal or glass. One reason is that these materials can be expensive to produce. Another reason is that metal and glass can be difficult to manufacture in the correct shape and size.

The Mechanics of Keyboard Keys

keyboards are not typically made from metal or glass because these materials do not provide a good feel when typing. Plastic and rubber are often used instead, which can make the keyboard more responsive and easier to use.

Why Aren't Keyboard Keys Made from Metal or Glass?

The predominant material used to make keyboard keys is plastic. Plastic is a synthetic material that is made from oil and gas. It can be shaped into any form, and it doesn't corrode or rust.

One reason why plastic is the key material choice for keyboards is that it's light. You'll only feel a tiny bit of resistance when you type on a plastic keyboard compared to a metal one. This makes typing on a laptop or a tablet much faster and easier than on a traditional desktop keyboard.

Another reason why plastic keys are popular is because they don't wear out as quickly as metal keypad or glass keys do. Over time, metal and glass will start to lose their springiness and will become difficult to type on. However, plastic keys will continue to work perfectly fine even after they've been used for years.

image source: https://www.pinterest.ph


Keyboard keys are typically made from a variety of materials because each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. Metal is the traditional material for keypads keys because it is durable, resists corrosion, and doesn't make much noise when hit. However, metal also makes key presses loud and can be hard to type on with accuracy. Glass is another common key material because it's light weight, transparent, and doesn't create any sound when struck. However, glass keyboards are often difficult to clean and can break easily.

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