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All You Need To Know About Egg Quality For Successful IVF

Ripal Madnani
All You Need To Know About Egg Quality For Successful IVF

Egg Quality Differs

Every woman is born with several eggs in their ovaries. After a few years, when a girl enters puberty, the eggs start maturing. This is when the ovaries release the eggs once a month and the girl enters into the menstrual cycle.

Over time, the ovaries lose their ability to release eggs and the woman enters into menopause. This age may differ from one person to another. Some might experience menopause in their 50s and some earlier. Accordingly, the number of retrievable at a point in time also varies from one person to another.

One has to remember that, unlike sperm, eggs do not get replenished. Therefore, when patients approach an infertility specialist in Dubai for IVF, the number of retrievable eggs remains different for each. Hence, you should never compare your egg count with another to anticipate your chances of conceiving through IVF.

Women with low egg counts may get pregnant earlier than someone with more retrievable eggs. Talk to your specialist and follow the process religiously. Always remember that the number of eggs has nothing to do with their quality.

Age And Egg Quality

Age can be a critical factor for egg quality. Even though it is never the only factor that decide the quality of your eggs, it is one of the primary influencers. There can be several other factors influencing the quality of eggs.

There is no denying that healthy eggs produce healthy embryos and the success rate of IVF depends on the health of the eggs to a large extent. By following a balanced diet regime, practising exercises, and managing stress, you can improve your ovary healthy and egg quality.

Environmental conditions also play an essential role in determining the health of the eggs. On the other hand, endometriosis, smoking, ovarian surgery, chemotherapy, and a few genetic conditions can also degrade the quality of eggs.

Consult the best fertility doctor in Dubai, Dr. Ripal Madnani, to know more about the process you can improve your ovarian health and egg quality.

Ripal Madnani
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