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Why is our reproductive health and wellness important?

The Health Capital
Why is our reproductive health and wellness important?

Common Reproductive Health Concerns for Women:

i) Endometriosis External

Endometriosis is a condition that affects a woman’s uterus, which is where a baby develops during pregnancy. Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue different from that which ordinarily lines the uterus develops elsewhere. It can develop on the bladder, bowels, behind the uterus, or ovaries. Rarely does it spread to other body regions?

Pain, infertility, and extremely heavy periods can all be brought on by this “misplaced” tissue. Usually, the pelvis, lower back, or abdomen are the sites of pain. Some women with endometriosis have no symptoms at all, and their inability to become pregnant may be the first indication of the condition.

ii) External Uterine Fibroids

The most prevalent benign tumor in women of reproductive age is uterine fibroids. Muscle cells and other tissues that develop in and around the uterine, or womb, wall are the basis for fibroids. There is no known cause of fibroids. Being overweight or African-American are risk factors.

iii) Fibroid symptoms include the following

  • Bleeding between periods or periods that are uncomfortable or heavy.
  • Lower-abdominal “fullness” feeling.
  • Frequent urination.

The five primary gynecologic malignancies are discussed in detail in the information and instructional resources that the Gynecologic Cancer — CDC offers to women and medical professionals. Any cancer that develops in a woman’s reproductive organs is referred to as gynecologic cancer. Different areas of a woman’s pelvis, which is the region below her stomach and in between her hip bones, are where gynecologic cancers start.

The cervix, the lower, thin end of the uterus, is where cervical cancer first manifests itself.

The ovaries, which are found on either side of the uterus, are where ovarian cancer first appears.

Making healthy decisions and taking care of yourself can help to keep you and your loved ones safe. Maintaining control over your health, if and when you get pregnant, is another aspect of protecting your reproductive system.

The Health Capital is an online platform for reproductive health consultant for females. You can book your appointment online and get the consultation you need at your preferable time.

For more information Contact-:

Phone No:- 7389712382,9354903775

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